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- The Contemporary Man/ T. Miller
- At The Contemporary Man's, we guarantee that you will succeed with women and get the results you want from your dating life when you use our proven system for success with women called 'Dating Power'. You simply cannot fail when you use our tested techniques for success with women. We have spent the last 5 years testing and refining our method for success with women by: Approaching, dating and being in relationships with modern women ourselves. Coaching over 650 guys in person and literally showing them how to approach and pick up women using our natural style. Testing our techniques in all sorts of social environments, including parties, workplaces, nightclubs, cafes, shopping malls and bookstores to name a few. Interviewing women from around the world and asking for their opinions on the modern dating and relationship scene. Researching all available studies, published documentation and theories in this field. Following up with guys that we'd coached to find out if they needed more advice as they become more successful with women. We then included the advanced advice in our products.
Monday, May 26, 2014
The Consequences of Not Being an Alpha Male
The #1 negative consequence of not being an alpha male is this: Women are more attracted to alpha males than any other type of male (e.g. beta male, omega male). It's just how nature works. So, if you're not an alpha male, then you are literally limiting your attractiveness to women.
The Life of a Lower-Ranking Male
Some of the consequences of living your life as a lower-ranking male, include:
Feeling nervous or anxious in social situations.
Doubting yourself or feeling intimidated around attractive women.
Being picked on or teased by bad boys and jerks.
Being overlooked by women. When faced with a choice, a woman will almost always choose an alpha male over a beta male or other lower-ranking male.
Having a girlfriend/wife who secretly wishes that she could be with an alpha male instead of you, or at the very least, fantasizes over being with an alpha male when she masturbates.
Being overlooked for promotions because you lack charisma.
Having less friends than the average person.
Being disrespected by people who would have otherwise shown you respect (if you were an alpha male).
The Alpha Male, Beta Male and Omega Male
Generally speaking, the lower-ranking a male is (the lowest being an omega male), the more prone he will be to experiencing nervousness, anxiety and fear around people. Why? Nervousness and anxiety is created by your own thinking. If you think like a lower-ranking male, you will experience nervousness and anxiety. Likewise, the more alpha a guy is, the more he will be prone to experiencing a state of confidence, self-assurance and fearlessness around people.
Here is a basic list of the three different types of males starting with the alpha male and the expected psychological benefit or consequence of his ranking. In the area of study called ethology, there are six different labels for rank (alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon and omega), but most studies focus on the following three. To include all six usually just makes things unnecessarily complicated.
Type Rank Natural Disposition
Alpha male 1st in command. High levels of social confidence and self-assurance. Determined, not held back by fear, comfortably takes the lead.
Beta male 2nd in command. Mild levels of social confidence and self-assurance. Mild levels of insecurity, nervousness and fear in social situations. Follows the lead of the alpha male because he is either too afraid or lacks the confidence and belief in himself to be the leading male.
Omega male Lowest ranking male. Low to very low levels of social confidence and self-assurance. High levels of insecurity, nervousness and fear in social situations. Follows the lead of the alpha male and beta male because he is too afraid and lacks the confidence and belief in himself to be the leading male or even the second in command.
Being an Alpha Male Does Not Mean Being a Bad Boy
A lot of shy, introverted guys mistakenly assume that, in order to be considered an alpha male, they will need to be a bad boy, a jerk or go around dominating everyone all the time and in every situation. Yet, that's not how it works at all. At The Modern Man, we teach guys who to be a good guy alpha male, which has a lot to do with being confident, masculine and going after what you want in life, instead of hiding yourself away due to various fears.
If You're Not Alpha, Then You're Not the Most Attractive You Can Be to Women Right Now
Lower-ranking males can't naturally attract the type of desirable women that alpha males can because women are turned off by their insecure, nervous, shy and hesitant behavior. A lower-ranking male may get lucky at times, but that doesn't mean his woman will truly love him or that she will feel as much attraction for him as she would for an alpha male. She will always have a “wandering eye” when she sees alpha males. When a lower-ranking male notices that his woman is constantly checking out other guys, he will then become insecure and make a number of common relationship mistakes that cause a woman to lose respect for her man.
Bad Guy Alpha Males vs. Good Guy Alpha Males
For a guy who isn't an alpha male, it can be very frustrating, disappointing and confusing when he sees alpha males having their pick of beautiful women, especially if the alphas appear less intelligent than him or if they behave like jerks around women. It can lead him to conclude that women mustn't like good guys and would prefer to be with bad boys who have more brawn than brains.
I often get contacted by guys here at The Modern Man who complain to me about how they often see women hooking up with jerks and bad boys. However, what these guys fail to realize is that women are attracted to their alpha male traits (e.g. confidence, masculinity, etc.), but would sincerely prefer the bad boy to also be a good guy. The absolute truth of the matter is that most women do NOT want to be in a relationship with a bad person, but they are so attracted to alpha male traits that they sometimes put up with a jerk or a bad boy just so they can experience the attraction they feel to alpha male qualities.
Here's another way of explaining it....
Are you attracted to the sexy (let's face it “slutty”) women in pornographic movies? Do you find strippers to be sexy when they dance on stage and show off their perfect bodies? Of course you do! (If you don't, then you probably aren't into women at all.) However, if you're like most guys, you would PREFER a woman who is as sexy as a stripper or porn star, but who is actually a good girl. Even though you'd prefer her to be a nice, trustworthy girl so that you could enjoy a successful relationship with her, if you had a chance to have sex with her for a while, you probably would anyway, right? After that, however, you might then try to “change her” and turn her into a “good girl,” right?
The same applies to women.
When they come across guys who are alpha, they cannot help but feel intense attraction even if the man isn't the nicest guy in the world in the same way that we men cannot help feeling attraction for sexy women...even though they might not be the best choice for a relationship either.
Women go with their emotions (attraction, lust, love) and hope that once they snag a bad boy alpha male, they will eventually be able to change him and get him to treat them better. The woman wants to be with a guy who is alpha because it causes her to feel the most amount of sexual attraction, but that doesn't mean she wants to be with a bad man who will treat her badly. She just wants to be around him because of his confidence, masculinity and alpha male behavior. The same applies to most guys who hook up with “bad girls” (i.e. strippers) and hope to eventually change her and turn her into the perfect girlfriend/wife.
Now, even though I've explained it several times above, I know that some guys will be reading and thinking, “So, does that mean I should become a bad boy alpha male or behave like a jerk around women while being alpha? Is that the secret to attracting women?”
Being GOOD is GOOD. The fact is, when a woman comes across an alpha male who is ALSO a good guy, she will hold tight to him like no other man. That is the type of guy that women REALLY want and when a woman meets a guy like that, she will instantly know how lucky she is to have found him. Even if he has a girlfriend or wife (although I disapprove of women who get involved with married men or who are in a relationship), some women will try to break up the marriage or relationship so she can have him for herself. Why? Women all over the world know how rare it is to come across an alpha male who is also a good guy and isn't already tied down in a relationship with another beautiful woman.
The same applies for us men. When a guy comes across a beautiful, sexy woman who is also intelligent, easy-going and down-to-earth and who also happens to be SINGLE, he can't believe his luck and does whatever he can to snag her for himself. However, such women are the most sought-after (and they know that), so they will usually settle for nothing less than an alpha male. A woman like that does not have to settle for a mildly-confident beta male or a nervous omega male. She wants an alpha male and will be desperate to meet one and secure him into a committed relationship before she gets too old. Why? Women know that once they start looking old, it becomes more and more difficult to attract alpha males who can have any type of woman they want and who usually go for the younger, prettier ones (or the mature ones who look youthful and have retained their beauty).
Do You Have to Be Born as An Alpha Male to Be One?
While it may seem to some lower-ranking men that they have been horribly unlucky not to have been “born” with the positive attributes of an alpha male, the fact is that all of an alpha's skills with women and in life can be learned. If a lower-ranking male refuses to change his mindset and behavior and hides away in fear of transforming himself into an alpha male, then he will naturally continue to live a sorry life filled with regret, heartache, rejection, insecurity and disappointment.
The only question now is this: Why would a lower-ranking man choose to live such a disappointing, gloomy life when he can transform himself into an alpha male who moves through the world with confidence and power? Why would a lower-ranking man WANT to be nervous and insecure in social situations when he could just as easily be confident, self-assured, happy and successful with women by adopting the mindsets, behavior and actions of a GOOD GUY alpha male?
Not Sure if You Should Embrace Your Inner Alpha Male?
If you're wondering whether or not you should embrace your inner alpha male and start living the life that you deserve, I'll share a few of the benefits to open your eyes to the amazing opportunity that is right in front of you:
Have your choice with women.
Be confident in any social situation.
Women try to pick you up.
You can approach women any time you feel like it, without ever feeling anxious or nervous.
Your woman's attraction, love and respect for you deepens over time, rather than fading away.
All types of men (good guy alpha males, nervous guys, bad boys, jerks, etc) respect and admire you. If they don't show it immediately, they quickly change their attitude and approach when they realize that they are interacting with a real alpha male.
You feel full of mojo for life and go after your dreams with persistence, determination and unrelenting confidence.
The more life you live, the more that people's respect and admiration for you grows, rather than people losing respect for you overtime for being a fearful, lower-ranking male.
Pretty much everyone wants to be your friend.
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