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- The Contemporary Man/ T. Miller
- At The Contemporary Man's, we guarantee that you will succeed with women and get the results you want from your dating life when you use our proven system for success with women called 'Dating Power'. You simply cannot fail when you use our tested techniques for success with women. We have spent the last 5 years testing and refining our method for success with women by: Approaching, dating and being in relationships with modern women ourselves. Coaching over 650 guys in person and literally showing them how to approach and pick up women using our natural style. Testing our techniques in all sorts of social environments, including parties, workplaces, nightclubs, cafes, shopping malls and bookstores to name a few. Interviewing women from around the world and asking for their opinions on the modern dating and relationship scene. Researching all available studies, published documentation and theories in this field. Following up with guys that we'd coached to find out if they needed more advice as they become more successful with women. We then included the advanced advice in our products.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Approaching Women, Rejection Isn't A Given
Do You Have Any Advice For Guys On How To Get Over Their Fear Of Approaching A Woman?
The difference between guys who are amazing at approaching women and guys who can't approach women at all isn't whether or not they have eliminated their fears... but what they do with them.
If you think about it, you really only have two choices:
1- You can let it destroy you... and your chances of meeting a woman and having a great relationship.
2- You can let it motivate you... and increase your chances of meeting the women you desire.
What I'm trying to say here is that guys who are great at approaching women and starting up conversations use this fear to their advantage.
Think about it this way...
People spend tons of money on things like bungee jumping, roller coaster rides and jumping out of airplanes.
Isn't it great that you can get that same rush of excitement by simply going to the bar tonight and approaching some attractive women? And possibly getting an amazing payoff (dates with women) that you just can't get doing any of these other things?
Hunter S. Thompson once said, "Anything that gets your blood racing is probably worth doing."
So the next time you see an attractive woman you want to meet and you feel that nervous excitement creeping up... enjoy it, and make something happen!
Should A Guy Try To Act "Smooth" When He Approaches A Woman For The First Time?
Men will put on an "act" when they approach a woman as an ego-defense mechanism.
That way, if the woman happens to reject them, they can blame their rejection on the "act" or the "line"... instead of placing the blame where it should be -- on themselves.
Now, what these guys fail to realize is that the very act of "putting on an act" is often the cause of their rejection in the first place.
It's no secret that women are very perceptive, especially attractive women who get hit on dozens of times each day.
They can smell a fraud from a mile away, and if that fraud is you, you're going down.
Now, here's a secret that women know but men don't:
It takes a lot more courage to be yourself than it does to approach a woman with an "act" or a "line" that isn't you.
And if you do approach a woman as yourself and in a genuine and confident way, you will almost never get rejected because she will see the courage and confidence behind it.
So does this mean you should never use "lines"? And how should you deal with a woman who gives you attitude?
Now... this doesn't mean you shouldn't use a great line that you learned somewhere else.
As a matter of fact, you should, especially when you're first getting started.
But think of the lines and techniques you learn as "training wheels," and make it your goal to come up with some of your very own techniques that work for you and fit your personality to a T.
What Are Some Nice Things A Guy Should Do For A Girlfriend Or Someone He Really Cares About?
You mentioned something that I don't bring up very often, but it's important to be generous and thoughtful with the woman in your life.
Now, before I talk about this, keep in mind that this isn't something to do with a woman you've just met. Save this for later, after you've been out several times.
This is the kind of thing you do with a woman you really like and might be interested in pursuing a long-term relationship with.
If a woman mentions that she wants to go to a particular restaurant, make a mental note, then surprise her and go there a few weeks later.
Remembering things and acting on them later as a surprise makes a huge impact. It's a very considerate thing to do.
But like I said, this is something you do with a woman that you really like. Not in the beginning!
If A Woman Gives A Guy "Attitude" When He Approaches Her, Should He Keep Talking To Her Or Consider Himself "Rejected" And Move On?
Here's something to think about...
Women often reject men on "autopilot"
An attractive woman gets hit on by men day in and day out
Pretty soon "rejection" becomes an automatic response
It turns into a screening system, with the initial rejection as a test. Only guys who can get past the initial rejection survive.
Now, not all women are like this. But here's a little secret about those who are:
These women are used to meeting guys who "can't take the heat." They meet hundreds of men who "wuss out" to every one that "makes the cut."
And because of this, once you get past her initial rejection, she will see you as a rare commodity.
To put it simply... you are in.
A great example of this took place in the movie Gone with the Wind (go rent this now if you haven't seen it already).
Scarlett O'Hara was anything but nice to Rhett Butler, but he took it all in stride because he knew it was just an act... and that deep down she was totally in love with him.
Take this same stance when you meet a woman with "attitude."
Come from the position that you know what it's like to be her, and that you know she has to weed out the losers somehow, and that you know if she opened her eyes, she'd fall for you in a second.
Don't actually voice this to her, but let it shine through in your actions.
Give her a second chance to give you a second chance... and soon you... being the rare find that you are... will be the one in control.
The difference between guys who are amazing at approaching women and guys who can't approach women at all isn't whether or not they have eliminated their fears... but what they do with them.
If you think about it, you really only have two choices:
1- You can let it destroy you... and your chances of meeting a woman and having a great relationship.
2- You can let it motivate you... and increase your chances of meeting the women you desire.
What I'm trying to say here is that guys who are great at approaching women and starting up conversations use this fear to their advantage.
Think about it this way...
People spend tons of money on things like bungee jumping, roller coaster rides and jumping out of airplanes.
Isn't it great that you can get that same rush of excitement by simply going to the bar tonight and approaching some attractive women? And possibly getting an amazing payoff (dates with women) that you just can't get doing any of these other things?
Hunter S. Thompson once said, "Anything that gets your blood racing is probably worth doing."
So the next time you see an attractive woman you want to meet and you feel that nervous excitement creeping up... enjoy it, and make something happen!
Should A Guy Try To Act "Smooth" When He Approaches A Woman For The First Time?
Men will put on an "act" when they approach a woman as an ego-defense mechanism.
That way, if the woman happens to reject them, they can blame their rejection on the "act" or the "line"... instead of placing the blame where it should be -- on themselves.
Now, what these guys fail to realize is that the very act of "putting on an act" is often the cause of their rejection in the first place.
It's no secret that women are very perceptive, especially attractive women who get hit on dozens of times each day.
They can smell a fraud from a mile away, and if that fraud is you, you're going down.
Now, here's a secret that women know but men don't:
It takes a lot more courage to be yourself than it does to approach a woman with an "act" or a "line" that isn't you.
And if you do approach a woman as yourself and in a genuine and confident way, you will almost never get rejected because she will see the courage and confidence behind it.
So does this mean you should never use "lines"? And how should you deal with a woman who gives you attitude?
Now... this doesn't mean you shouldn't use a great line that you learned somewhere else.
As a matter of fact, you should, especially when you're first getting started.
But think of the lines and techniques you learn as "training wheels," and make it your goal to come up with some of your very own techniques that work for you and fit your personality to a T.
What Are Some Nice Things A Guy Should Do For A Girlfriend Or Someone He Really Cares About?
You mentioned something that I don't bring up very often, but it's important to be generous and thoughtful with the woman in your life.
Now, before I talk about this, keep in mind that this isn't something to do with a woman you've just met. Save this for later, after you've been out several times.
This is the kind of thing you do with a woman you really like and might be interested in pursuing a long-term relationship with.
If a woman mentions that she wants to go to a particular restaurant, make a mental note, then surprise her and go there a few weeks later.
Remembering things and acting on them later as a surprise makes a huge impact. It's a very considerate thing to do.
But like I said, this is something you do with a woman that you really like. Not in the beginning!
If A Woman Gives A Guy "Attitude" When He Approaches Her, Should He Keep Talking To Her Or Consider Himself "Rejected" And Move On?
Here's something to think about...
Women often reject men on "autopilot"
An attractive woman gets hit on by men day in and day out
Pretty soon "rejection" becomes an automatic response
It turns into a screening system, with the initial rejection as a test. Only guys who can get past the initial rejection survive.
Now, not all women are like this. But here's a little secret about those who are:
These women are used to meeting guys who "can't take the heat." They meet hundreds of men who "wuss out" to every one that "makes the cut."
And because of this, once you get past her initial rejection, she will see you as a rare commodity.
To put it simply... you are in.
A great example of this took place in the movie Gone with the Wind (go rent this now if you haven't seen it already).
Scarlett O'Hara was anything but nice to Rhett Butler, but he took it all in stride because he knew it was just an act... and that deep down she was totally in love with him.
Take this same stance when you meet a woman with "attitude."
Come from the position that you know what it's like to be her, and that you know she has to weed out the losers somehow, and that you know if she opened her eyes, she'd fall for you in a second.
Don't actually voice this to her, but let it shine through in your actions.
Give her a second chance to give you a second chance... and soon you... being the rare find that you are... will be the one in control.
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