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About Us
- The Contemporary Man/ T. Miller
- At The Contemporary Man's, we guarantee that you will succeed with women and get the results you want from your dating life when you use our proven system for success with women called 'Dating Power'. You simply cannot fail when you use our tested techniques for success with women. We have spent the last 5 years testing and refining our method for success with women by: Approaching, dating and being in relationships with modern women ourselves. Coaching over 650 guys in person and literally showing them how to approach and pick up women using our natural style. Testing our techniques in all sorts of social environments, including parties, workplaces, nightclubs, cafes, shopping malls and bookstores to name a few. Interviewing women from around the world and asking for their opinions on the modern dating and relationship scene. Researching all available studies, published documentation and theories in this field. Following up with guys that we'd coached to find out if they needed more advice as they become more successful with women. We then included the advanced advice in our products.
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seriously need some help here, I turn into an absolute idiot in relationships and they always go down this spiral of mutually losing interest in each other. It sucks, I don't want it to happen again.
Is there any chance I could be a later order? I would really like to get this part of my life handled. Thanks!"
- Damien B.
"Your programs are the shit. Just got out of the "love of my life" relationship, and I absolutely appreciate your help in getting myself out of this shithole that I'm currently in. Thanks!"
- Jon
Hope you are doing good. I must say your articles are absolutely brilliant. You are a true Love/Dating Guru..."
- Vineet
"Hello Travis - your material is great + I have appreciated receiving your insights."
- Grant
"Firstly, let me say that i have suffered from 'nice guy' syndrome for most of my life; I'm 47, but there are four words that you use which really resonate with me, and they are 'with Honor and Integrity'. This is why I hold what you say in such high esteem."
- Ian
"All started with your emails. I dated before but was not getting enough success... Now I have more slag, more focus... demonstrating what's possible... I reconsidered what I was doing..."
- Robert
"I am feeling damn good about it!
Three other benefits are confidence building, enlightenment (education), and that it's great to be a guy. This program has actually helped me in general.
Keep up the great work! "
- Rick W - Sacramento, CA
"I am good enough to get any girl I want..."
"My biggest obstacle was not being able to keep a girl interested in me once had her. I was always giving her all the power. I was tired of feeling like crap for not being able to put girls in their place. I bought the program because I wanted more in my dating life.
I am putting your stuff into practice and talking to other women, ALL women.
Three other benefits are , 1. I am good enough to get any girl I want. 2. I am strong enough to let her go if she does'nt give me what I want. 3. I am putting myself first and my own happiness, without needing a woman to make me whole as a man.
...Your stuff woke me up. Guys need to learn that you don't have to lose your power to a women to make her want you.(When you do, you are never happy.) When a girl knows you can get another girl if she fucks up, it makes you more attractive.
Keep doing what you do. I think a lot of men could benefit from you. You helped me realize even though I'm a great guy, I was always afraid to put a girl in her place, which according to you is being a doormat. "
- Vladimir J - Cincinnati, OH
"Informative and detailed... must-know..."
"...excellent informative and detailed...
Specifically, I liked Everything. How detailed, organized, and outlined the system was the viewer.
...must-know for guys who are struggling with women "
- Josh S. - Alabama
loved how you focus on making a well rounded man not just go to the club and try this line out attitude and approach.
Would you recommend this program to another guy?
YES! YES! YES! Honestly if you are a guy out there with the dealing of a lack of purpose as a man and without an masculine identity. These programs will walk you through it all.
- - Waleed A. - Sacramento, CA
"...guys need to know this..."
"My results are I am now aware of how being the nice guy and coming off as easy to get have been killing attraction to the girls I am interested in...
I liked how it outlines step by step the process a man needs to take and the mindset a man needs to have to attract the girls that are worth getting...
I never realized how I was destroying attraction by being the nice guy that I thought every girl wants...guys need to know this to be able to get the quality girls..."
- Ty L. - Dayton, OH
"I wish I would have found this material a lot sooner..."
" ** What is the biggest obstacle that prevented you (before now) from buying this program? My biggest obstacle was paying money for what I thought I could figure out for myself. I thought I had women figured out and that I didn't need "coaching".
I bought the programs after a heart wrenching break up and recognizing I kept getting stuck in the same patterns, ending up blind sided when my most recent relationships ended seemingly "out of the blue"
I would recommend this program to another guy because no matter how successful and confident a guy may be, there's always room for improvement and sometimes we all need some a refresher to break out of our ruts and find our focus again.
I wish I would have found this material a lot sooner. It could've saved me a lot of heartache and frustration.
Now I'm more confident now that using this material will help me in the relationship areas I've been lacking in."
- Eric D. - Syracuse NY
These programs have improved and changed my life..."
"I have gone from a shy guy with no girlfriend or social skills to having fantastic social skills and currently dating at least 5 high quality women.
Specifically, I liked the overall win-win philosophy and the the angle that woman should be an addition to a fulfilled life.
These programs have improved and changed my life more than any other material I have encountered... I have reaped more benefits and improvements from these courses than anything else in my life!!!
Travis Miller walks the talk!!! His programs are the best and life changing. His books have allowed me to improve my social and dating life 1000 fold. I would gladly buy any new programs put out by him and have to utmost respect for his work.
I would just like to say, thanks!!! If you become a multi millionaire from your work you deserve it!! "
- Jim S. - Shiloh, IL
"If I knew about Travis Miller earlier in my life, it would have saved me a lot of years... Trust me, Travis has changed my life -- he can change yours too!"
"Hey Travis, I write about the biology of men and women's behavior. You seem to know the biology of behavior without knowing it. How do you do that? You have a deep intuition of dynamics - it took me 7 years of academic research to discover. And you find sharp ways to apply it practically... Keep up the good work, brother."
oe Quirk, Author of "Sperm are from Men, Eggs are from Women"
"I've read every book and studied every system on dating and seduction. ... Travis is the best there is at teaching men how to develop their 'inner game.' From there, he'll give you the complete set of tools for approaching women, and life, with absolute confidence and skill. If you're in this game to win it, these are the rules you need to learn."
Dean Cortez, M.A.C.K. Tactics co-creator
Travis Miller is on the 'dating forefront' of teaching guys in this area and he can help YOU fast-forward your own skills and confidence to get R.E.A.L. results with women."
I was blown away by how much this guy knows... I highly recommend learning from this man..."
"Puts most PUAs material to shame. GREAT JOB!"
"Bare-bones facts that guys should know. I love this program! A great cut through the bullshit that puts most PUAs material to shame. GREAT JOB!"
"You will NEVER find this kind of information anywhere else..."
"I felt that me getting this program was not really an option, it was an absolute NECESSITY!
My results are me being a lot more aware and actually much more confident now after listening and now finally finishing the program for the first time.
I really do believe that this program is one of a kind because I don't think there's really anybody else out there that will put the time, energy, commitment, and passion into something like this... It's almost as if you can read me and my own behaviors like an open book.
you will NEVER find this kind of information anywhere else. I really don't believe the other PUA's teach this stuff other than pick up lines. "
- Shaun V. - Houston, TX
"great advice..."
"I liked how it gave me ideas and challenged me to think outside the box on a few things like what i believe in and still struggling with some things which maybe holding me back or well i just not sure about.
it helps not just with women but with other areas of your life... this is great advice to understand why you feel confident and why you feel the way you are.
It teaches you to try to get over your fears and that women are not any different than you
I would recommend this to any guy that has something holding them back or feels they do not have much self worth for any reasons that might be, as it is really good advice.
Thank you Travis, while i have not solved all my issues with women just yet i certainly understand why i feel things a lot better now thanks to your advice.
for any guy that uses this, go out and make use of this advice in your own life as it is the only way you will feel the benefits "
- John M. - Surrey, UK
"I feel I have a good coach. An alpha male intelligent brilliant philosopher which I am benefiting a lot from knowing...
he is helping me not to get laid only, but in many aspects of my life right now, especially confidence.....
is rich with positive in formations - and life changing. "
- Faouzi L. - Malta
"...Knowledge is power and this stuff works!"
"My results are very good!
Specifically, I liked how to talk to girls in a flirting manner versus a serious approach
Three other benefits are the supreme confidence I have developed, The knowledge on handling a relationship, and the helpful concepts on how to create attraction.
...because knowledge is power and this stuff works!
I like how Travis, to care and responds to my emails. "
- Matt A. - Mobile, AL
"...positively affecting my interactions with women..."
"I wasn't sure if it was for me
My results are that I am slowly but surely accessing my alpha male qualities and noticing how it is positively affecting my interactions with women.
Specifically, I liked busting balls info...lots of it is really good, but I specifically like the way Travis presented this material. It was simple, easy to understand and I am now thinking about it a lot.
Travis is pretty fucking cool..."
It works... It really does man!"
"I did not know how to approach and talk to strange women... A noticeable change in the way women reacted to me... And I was finally getting phone number and dates... Your programs are very well presented, clear and precise. Thanks for the info. It was and still is out there and it works! It really does man!"
- Robert C. - Queensland, Australia
"I liked the simple nature in which it was delivered..."
"Specifically, I liked the simple nature in which it was delivered and the fact that it was not too lengthy.
I would recommend it to those who have that little dip in confidence and need to gain some more control of themselves and give off the alpha attitude."
- Gene R. - Gardendale, AL
"...people are responding to me better. Girls are smiling at me more.
I am happier and feel more confident. Men have been looking to me for advice more... women have been looking at me with their sexy eyes more....
this is a much more powerful way to navigate the world.
thanks man. you rule. "
- Jason M. - SLC, Utah
After reading Travis Articles , i realized that i was completely full of un-useful information and false paradigms.
My results are that I'm more confident when approaching women and i understand a bit more about the game.
Specifically, I liked the simplicity of the language and the examples which gives you a real awakening.
I would definitively recommend this program to another guy, because it will definitively improve your dating skills...
This has been the best thing that has happened to me in the past 10 years, definitively Travis is the soldier. I really appreciate what he's doing for his fellows out there struggling with women.
Thumbs up for Travis, keep up the good work! "
- Cesar M. - Kingsville, TX
"I am using the information to bring me back to being social. I was in a relationship that left me with very little social outlet now having to relearn being social..."
- Mike W. - Anchorage, AK
My results are phenomenal! I'm not where I want to be yet but I'm so much more open to people. It's funny how when you give, you get!
Specifically, I liked How Travis presents everything in an honest and straight forward manner, like a true alpha man. No beating around the bush. "
- Cris G. - Las Cruces, NM
needed a way to jump start my dating life after my wife passed away. I started with one of your articles and enjoyed it so much... are simply teaching men concepts that they should have learned from their fathers, brothers and friends during the maturation process.
I'd recommend any of your material to every man I know..."
- Brad M. - St Louis,MO
My results are much more confidence in my approach...
Knowing what to say and when to say it.
Three other benefits are getting dates, getting laid, and how to keep it going.
...Yes I would recommend it to other guys.
What more can I say than I haven't already said??? "
- Jason G. - Kansas City, Mo
"My biggest obstacle was Price!
Specifically, I liked the simplicity
Three other benefits are self confidence,confidence,confidence,!!"
- Andy M. - Athens
Already now I can correct a lot of bad habits of course, mainly just to be the nice guy.
Specifically, I liked the beginning of the studies...
I answer this later.
Yes of course... Generally all men can learn very much out of it. There would be very much happier couples!!!
Like that you probably stay much longer the main originator as you deserve! Thank you for doing this!!!"
- Kasimir B. - Jonschwil SG, Switzerland
My results are : Big Self Confidence
Three other benefits are Confidence, self esteem and The detailed strategy analysis you provide "
- Andreas M. - Athens, Greece
"My biggest obstacle was just being skeptical and not thinking that being a nice guy was really a problem. I thought being nice was a gift! Man O man have I been wrong...
My results are I am currently in module 4 of alpha masculinity, and I am already seeing a different kind of person emerging... I know that this program is what I really need to get my balls back. ... I already know that I am on the right track.
Thanks for these amazing Articles, Travis - you are the man! And I strongly recommend for anyone who is lost in this life of being a man in today's world. Keep up the great work!
You need to be a dominant. An alpha. And these articles show you a clear and straight path to being just that... grab your balls, Take that first step, stop whining about the obstacles, and get there! Its time to stop the talk and walk the walk... "
- Marwan S. - Dubai UAE
I have been in several long term relationships - one as long as four years leading to a marriage proposal.
Every time they have ended, I been left with a strange feeling that I as a man somehow did or didn't do somerthing that was the underlying reason for the breakup instead of the all the bad stuff that went on on the surface of things. I felt as if I didn't understand the mechanics of the relationship.
[I] want to make my next long term commitment really last, have a much keener understanding of the dynamics in a relationship and what to look for in finding my next girlfriend. This has had a significant impact on my confidence, since now I know that I have something really good to offer any woman as a long term partner.
...well put-together and make the concepts easy to grasp.
I strongly recommend this program to any guy who wants to understand women and interaction with them in relationships. It is packed with valuable information."
- Anders K. - Denmark
My biggest obstacle was the slight embarrasment at having to buy a product to learn how to talk to women. I felt excited at what I could acheive and slightly nervous at discovering what I may have been doing wrong all the time.
My results are that I have become aware of my behaviour around women. I have been more decicive, suggestive and firmly spoken around women and everyone I meet. My confidence has made an improvement... It completely changes the way you talk to women. understanding how women think and are attracted to men gives you a hugh advantage.
In the past 2 weeks I have started to become more confident and passionate with in my own life. I am feeling good!"
- Sean D. - Ireland
My results are , I feel a lot more confident in myself
Specifically, I liked how to get out of the mindset that women only look for money, good looks, and age
Yes, If I met a guy who needed a little boost up and some self confidence
...I would have liked to learn."
My results are , I feel a lot more confident in myself
Specifically, I liked how to get out of the mindset that women only look for money, good looks, and age
Yes, If I met a guy who needed a little boost up and some self confidence
...I would have liked to learn."
- Jim H. - New Jersey, USA
My results are That start making a difference, starts by yourself.
Specifically, I liked The quality of the program
Three other benefits are Feeling good, self esteem and clarity.
Yes, it opened a lot of closed areas for me.
- Antran A. - Amsterdam. Holland.
Travis, thank you so much for doing what you do I really enjoy your articles and the way you help people you're truly amazing. I believe you are God gift to people don't ever lose the sight of who you are and I doubt you will.
Damon Sanchez Wichita Kansas
hey Travis, I've been following your post from a year and a half now and I gotta say you're getting better and better I'm looking forward to the contemporary man book series keep doing what you doing brother.
Paul gelio Wichita Kansas
I hope this e-mail finds you well. Five months have passed since we spoke on the phone and I must say that I have accomplished a great deal of inner work. I learned more about myself in these months working with you than in my entire life. As per your suggestion, I am doing therapy and dealing with many of the issues in my past.
Thank you for your availability and being there for me when I most needed a compassionate listener. But most of all thank you for encouraging me to hang in there and work with what I had than run away from it. We’ve both decided we’re not going through with the divorce and continuing to work on our relationship. I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am.
Sorry it took me so long to send a warm thank you to you.
The Plan of Action we worked on was successful. We were able to
resolve our problems in a mutually favorable manner and have decided to get back together. We both feel good about the decision and feel committed to making the relationship work.
I was impressed by Travis’s warm, open, patient, non-judgmental and professional demeanor. Her wisdom, caring nature and considerable knowledge made the sessions engaging and very useful. Her response to my emails and voice messages were timely and courteous. I can honestly say that it has been the single most valuable investment I've made in my future.
I would recommend Travis for one-on-one sessions in almost any situation but specifically where your actions have caused deep hurt to someone you love and care about. he can help turn things around so that the relationship can be repaired.
My girlfriend and I were experiencing trust issues that interfered with our ability to communicate and deal more effectively with our differences. The coaching you provided has enabled us have a solid relationship built on trust, respect and open communication. We have a much clear understanding of where the other is coming from and value each other’s differences, perspectives, views and opinions. Working with you saved our relationship. Thank you.
I just want to thank you again. I have come to realize that my self-imposed inhibitions have held me back from having the very things I know I want in my life, esp. when it comes to loving another person and more importantly myself. I followed your advice and the night with my ex went absolutely wonderfully, with him discussing memories of the past and his family and hopes for the future, even ending in him initiating multiple kisses at the end of the night, something I wasn't even sure of until it happened! I know he will now be digesting everything that has happened, but I am happy because if nothing else, I feel that I have regained my self esteem and control over my heart, and I'm making progress toward being the kind of person and lover I want to be.
you are a wonderful adviser, and I cannot say enough about how your words have inspired ME.:)
Thank you again,
Thanks for everything you've done for me. I experienced more profound results with you much sooner (after just 3 sessions) than I had with other relationship coaches. I think you're an incredible coach and greatly respect your mind as well as your professional abilities.
I enjoyed working with you. Your coaching methods and tools are simple, direct and clear. As you predicted, the emails have graduated to phone calls, and now we are getting to know each other again catching up on careers, personal lives, exchanging photos. Neither of us can seem to get enough of the other. You gave us back to each other. Thank you.
Our relationship was beyond no hope. My ex couldn't even stand being in the same room with me. All we did was fight. I felt depressed and frustrated but you worked gently yet firmly with me. You pointed out many things about me that my ex had complained about so many times. It was not very pleasant to hear but to be honest, I was basically aware of most of them just did not know how to change them. You helped me not only understand what I was doing wrong but also taught me to admit that I can be wrong or make a mistake sometimes.
I will continue to practice the skills I've learned because I truly believe they will help my relationship grow stronger. Thank God for your life's work that has helped me grow and create a relationship that is so much more satisfying and pleasant.
I spent hundreds of pounds on counseling but got no where and the arguments were getting worse. Your approach saved us. Thank you so so much. I gained so much more than what I spent.
I stumbled upon Travis's website at the time I just got out of five year relationship and I was a little f**** up. Even though my family and friends meant well they simply didn't have the skills or time to give me the guidance I needed. Travis helped me get over my ex, get my shit together, become comfortable with myself, develop the balls to go talk to a woman, really enjoy where I am going and being my own person. For the first time, I am putting in a lot less work and starting to be who I naturally I am. If you want to move forward quickly, Travis is your coach!