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- The Contemporary Man/ T. Miller
- At The Contemporary Man's, we guarantee that you will succeed with women and get the results you want from your dating life when you use our proven system for success with women called 'Dating Power'. You simply cannot fail when you use our tested techniques for success with women. We have spent the last 5 years testing and refining our method for success with women by: Approaching, dating and being in relationships with modern women ourselves. Coaching over 650 guys in person and literally showing them how to approach and pick up women using our natural style. Testing our techniques in all sorts of social environments, including parties, workplaces, nightclubs, cafes, shopping malls and bookstores to name a few. Interviewing women from around the world and asking for their opinions on the modern dating and relationship scene. Researching all available studies, published documentation and theories in this field. Following up with guys that we'd coached to find out if they needed more advice as they become more successful with women. We then included the advanced advice in our products.
Monday, May 26, 2014
My Girlfriend Doesn't Love Me Anymore: How Do I Fix That?
So, should you be worried? It depends. If you have caused her to lose love, respect and attraction for you because you've become insecure, needy, too protective or haven’t been enough of a man for her, then yes – you have cause to be concerned. Watch this video that I made for guys who've already been broken up with by their girlfriend to understand what you need to do to get your girlfriend’s love back:
If you’re thinking to yourself, “My girlfriend doesn’t love me anymore” and are worried about losing her, you must make an effort to find out where you’ve been going wrong and then correct your mistakes. Love is something that can be brought back to life under the right conditions, so you just need to make sure you create and maintain those conditions.
Why Has She Fallen Out of Love With You?
If your girlfriend has fallen out of love with you, something about your attitude or behavior in the relationship must have changed to cause her feelings for you to change. If you want to turn things around and get your girlfriend to even more deeply in love with you than she was before, you must first understand what caused her change of heart before you can take the appropriate action to fix things and get her love back. Consider the following:
Have you become needy? A common mistake made by guys who begin to feel their girlfriend doesn’t love them anymore is to start seeking constant reassurance from her, by asking things like, “Do you love me?” or “How much do you love me?” Being needy in this way shows him to be insecure, and insecurity in a man is a complete turn off for women. Women are attracted to the strength in men, not the weakness, so the more that a guy asks her if she still finds him attractive or still loves him, the less attractive he becomes in her eyes – and so a vicious cycle begins. Very often, needy behavior leads into clinginess, which then causes a woman to lose even more respect and attraction for her guy.
Have you become overly possessive? Neediness and clinginess usually go hand-in-hand with jealousy and overly possessive behavior. For example: A guy who is feeling insecure might respond to his girlfriend spending more time with her friends, as a sign that she doesn’t love him anymore, leading to him seek constant reassurance from her and then make himself less sexually attractive to her in the process. This behavior highlights a guy’s insecurity and is a complete turn off for women. Women are attracted to confident guys who are secure in who they are, meaning they don’t feel threatened by their girlfriend’s friendships or become possessive of her when she chooses to spend time with others. Like neediness, being overly possessive will not make a woman feel more love for you, it will make her feel suffocated by you in your relationship and begin falling out of love with you as a result.
Have you been showing her enough appreciation? The above behaviors will inevitably lead to your girlfriend losing respect for you as a man and falling out of love with you as a consequence. However, taking her for granted will lead to the same end result. A woman wants to be with an independent man who has purpose in life and independent interests, but if he slips into neglecting her and failing to meet her needs in the relationship, she will quickly feel unappreciated and lose that “loving feeling.” An example is if the guy cancels plans with her at last minute, or lies about how busy he is to get out of doing certain things with her. So, if your girlfriend likes to plan quiet together time such as a night in with a DVD or cooking a special meal for you and you often change your plans at the last minute because something comes up that you need to do, she’s not only going to feel unimportant in your life and taken for granted, but also that you’re expecting her to just hang around until you’ve got nothing better to do.
Have you been behaving like a lower ranking male? Women are instinctively attracted to alpha males and feel less attraction for guys who are not respected or looked up to in social situations. A guy with alpha male qualities has what it takes to make a woman feel “weak at the knees” in his presence. His confidence and masculinity cause women to feel attraction on a deep, instinctive level. However, any type of insecure behavior, including neediness, clinginess, jealousy or possessiveness becomes an instant turn-off for women because it instantly marks a man out as a lower ranking male. Watch the video below to learn more about the alpha male mindset and how it affects your life.
What I Know About Love
In my lead up to getting into a committed
relationship with my current girlfriend, I slept with more than 250 women (some of my photos) and had a number of great relationships. Each time, I had to break up the relationship because the woman wanted to marry me or start a family with me, but I just wasn't ready. Now, I am open to having a family with my current girlfriend and possibly even marrying her. Along the way, I have learned a LOT about love. One of the most important things I discovered was that the love between a man and a woman will NOT last if it isn't taken care of.
For example: You and your girlfriend may have fallen MADLY in love with each other and been like that for years, but if you stop being a man for her or turn into an insecure, jealous, overly-protective guy, her love will begin to fade away. Knowing this, I educated myself on the right way to behave when in a relationship and then did that. The result was that the love between me and my girlfriends would always deepen and become stronger with time.
Getting Her Love Back
If you’re saying to yourself, “My girlfriend doesn't love me anymore” and you want to get her love back, you need to take action to become an even BETTER guy than she first fell in love with. That way, you will give her reason to fall even more in love with you than she has ever been. When you learn from your mistakes and become a better man by developing certain qualities, you not only have what it takes to win back her love, you also have what it takes to make her fall passionately in love with you.
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