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At The Contemporary Man's, we guarantee that you will succeed with women and get the results you want from your dating life when you use our proven system for success with women called 'Dating Power'. You simply cannot fail when you use our tested techniques for success with women. We have spent the last 5 years testing and refining our method for success with women by: Approaching, dating and being in relationships with modern women ourselves. Coaching over 650 guys in person and literally showing them how to approach and pick up women using our natural style. Testing our techniques in all sorts of social environments, including parties, workplaces, nightclubs, cafes, shopping malls and bookstores to name a few. Interviewing women from around the world and asking for their opinions on the modern dating and relationship scene. Researching all available studies, published documentation and theories in this field. Following up with guys that we'd coached to find out if they needed more advice as they become more successful with women. We then included the advanced advice in our products.
Sunday, May 5, 2013


When Things Fall Apart: Part 1

There comes a moment in every relationship, however brief, when one of you realizes that things are destined for failure. Sometimes it’s something you do, sometimes it’s something she does and often it’s nobody’s fault. Either way, these moments remain with us, seared into our memories, as testaments to our deeply personal journeys through romantic life. This is one man’s attempt to share some deeply personal moments of his own. Here's the first in a series of five we'll be running for the next five days.

I was a late bloomer. At 17, I had never had sex, had recently broken up with my first "real" girlfriend and somehow managed to get a beautiful, popular and sexually experienced 19-year-old girl named Allison to go on a date with me. Needless to say, I was nervous and unprepared. I was also a bad conversationalist at that point in my life, so dates had the potential to be excruciatingly awkward (I like to think that this is no longer the case). Despite all this, I somehow did well enough to earn a second date with Allison: a movie night in her parents' living room.

So there we were, in her living room. Her large, intimidating Rottweiler panted close beside us at the foot of the couch and, unable to focus on the movie, we began to make out and were on top of one another. We kept kissing until our lips grew numb and it became painfully obvious that we needed to start doing something else. Nervously, I began to descend toward her vagina to do what any “experienced” lover would do. I had never done this before. And as I attempted to make heads and tails of what was going on down there (I didn’t), I was very aware that my obvious lack of expertise was revealing me for what I truly was: a sexual novice.

Anxious about exposing my inadequacies further, I emerged from down below and whispered six words in her ear -- words not carefully chosen, but ones that in the moment I thought might compensate for my oral ineptitude, and triumphantly announce my manly competence and desire to take things to the next level. “I’d love to be f*cking you,” I said, in a strained, awkward, growling whisper. She didn’t respond, and this threw me into a state of total anxiety. While continuing to kiss her, I kept playing the words over in my head, wondering if I had screwed things up, insulted her, given myself away even more or god knows what.

Which ever way you cut it, those words ruptured something in the relationship, as I saw it. They were just too ambitious for me to utter with any hint of authority, and the resulting awkwardness was too intense to bear. We never saw each other again.

here comes a moment in every relationship, however brief, when one of you realizes that things are destined for failure. Sometimes it’s something you do, sometimes it’s something she does and often it’s nobody’s fault. Either way, these moments remain with us, seared into our memories, as testaments to our deeply personal journeys through romantic life. This is one man’s attempt to share some deeply personal moments of his own. 

About four years ago, I was sitting at an airport gate in Southern France, after vacationing with one of my closest friends and his new girlfriend. I happened to be single at the time, and traveling with a happy couple really made me wish I had a girlfriend of my own. In fact, I was probably thinking about just that when, lo and behold, as I sat down at the gate, I found myself staring into the eyes of a beautiful girl. She was with her parents, clearly returning from some family trip, had wholesome good looks, a warm smile, big eyes and was wearing leggings that showed off her curves. I was won over almost immediately, and even impressed by how well she seemed to get along with her parents in nice easy conversation. Maybe this is the one, I thought. Maybe she’s finally landed in my lap. Were my lonely days about to end?

She and her parents boarded the plane first, and since they sat ahead of me, I made sure to use the opportunity to cast an extended glance toward her as I walked by. To my surprise, I ended up making eye contact only with her mother, who smiled at me, and was clearly aware of what was going on. In any case, the next time I would see the family was after going through customs, at the baggage carousel. I hadn’t checked my bag, so at this point I was creepily hanging around waiting for an opportunity to make an overture. Needless to say, approaching her right in front of her father was not an option, so I was unsure what to do.

Then came an opening. As they were walking toward the airport exit, she lagged behind her parents ever so slightly, so I ran up and tapped her (lightly) on the shoulder. Nervously, I said, “Sorry to bother you. I just thought you were very pretty.” “Oh,” she said. I asked her “Do you live…?” But before I could finish my sentence she had turned away and rejoined her parents, clearly flustered. I was shocked, dismayed that she denied me, but, hey -- at least I had tried. I walked away toward the trains with at least that bit of comfort. 

A few moments later, I felt a tap on the shoulder. “Here’s my email,” she said, and handed me a note. “Oh, thank you” I said. “Do you live around here?” “No, I live down in Dorset on the coast.” (We were in London.) “Oh,” I said. “Long trip!” “Yeah,” she said. “Well, it was very nice to meet you,” I said, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. We left each other smiling, and I was beaming with a sense of accomplishment. 

When I got on the train home I of course immediately looked her up on Facebook. It turned out that she was still in highschool  and I had been fantasizing about a 17-year-old -- I was 27 at the time. I did send her an email and we had a brief exchange, but the cold hard truth was obvious: this just wasn’t going to happen.

Updated: here comes a moment in every relationship, however brief, when you realizes that things are destined for failure. Sometimes it’s something you do, sometimes it’s something she does, and often it’s nobody’s fault. Either way, these moments remain with us, seared into our memories, as testaments to our deeply personal journeys through romantic life. This is one man’s attempt to share some deeply personal moments of his own.

Four years ago I went on a family vacation to a Club Med in the Turks and Caicos Islands. By some bizarre mixup, it happened to be a Club Med for “singles," and the more time goes by the more I realize how awkward that was. I mean, I guess if one is being dragged into a family vacation as a single man in his 20s, it’s better to be dragged into a singles club than a family club. But still, being at a singles club with your parents is awkward at best. In any case, there I was, with my parents, my younger brother, and a lot of desperate single people.

The crowd wasn’t overstocked with hotties, but there were a few. One stood out in particular -- she was a tall, French brunette, and extremely pretty. One night at the central bar, I noticed her with her friends and decided to try to make some conversation. It wasn’t easy. I tried to show off my savvy about France and the French language (my being from Montreal and all), but she wasn’t terribly impressed. Regardless, I hung around for a bit. And when she came over and asked me to join in a drinking game that lots of people seemed to be playing I was up for it, of course.

After she pushed me into the center of the gathering, I realized that the game involved being force-fed tequila while tied down to a spinning table –- not exactly my idea of fun. “Have you tried that?” she said. “No,” I replied, trying to sound easygoing. Suddenly a staff member grabbed me and told me to climb on to the table. In front of everyone, at the center of the crowd, I couldn’t refuse. And it might impress the girl, I thought. So I climbed onto the table, downed the tequila, let the overeager staff member spin me around, and could not believe the strength of the resulting head-rush. My face felt like it was going to explode, and my distorted expression must have been embarrassing to watch. I was in hell. Worst of all, when I got up, the girl was nowhere to be seen. I’m not even sure she had seen it happen. The whole thing had been pointless.

The next day I saw her by the pool and approached her again, trying to play it cool and brush aside the events of the prior evening. “Would you do me a favor and come to the beach with me?” she asked. “Sure,” I said, obviously. So we walked together to the beach and chatted a little bit. Maybe, just maybe, I had somehow played my cards right. When we got to the beach she asked me to wait for a second while she picked up her camera and a sign. “Here,” she handed me the camera. “Would you take a picture of me?” “Sure,” I said. As she backed away from me and held up the sign in front of a beautiful Caribbean beachscape I could not believe what I was seeing: “JE T’AIME, JEAN-PHILLIPE." Turns out neither of us had any business being at a singles club.




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