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- The Contemporary Man/ T. Miller
- At The Contemporary Man's, we guarantee that you will succeed with women and get the results you want from your dating life when you use our proven system for success with women called 'Dating Power'. You simply cannot fail when you use our tested techniques for success with women. We have spent the last 5 years testing and refining our method for success with women by: Approaching, dating and being in relationships with modern women ourselves. Coaching over 650 guys in person and literally showing them how to approach and pick up women using our natural style. Testing our techniques in all sorts of social environments, including parties, workplaces, nightclubs, cafes, shopping malls and bookstores to name a few. Interviewing women from around the world and asking for their opinions on the modern dating and relationship scene. Researching all available studies, published documentation and theories in this field. Following up with guys that we'd coached to find out if they needed more advice as they become more successful with women. We then included the advanced advice in our products.
Monday, May 26, 2014
How to Get a Girl to Ask You Out
Girls don’t usually ask guys out.
If you’re hoping to know how to get a girl to ask you out because you don’t have the courage to ask her out, then chances are high that you’re not the type of guy she’ll be interested in asking out. Why? Women attracted to a guy's confidence and turned off by his emotional weakness and insecurity.
You shouldn't actually “ask a girl out” EVER. Instead, you need to make her feel sexual attraction for you and then guide her through the flow of a sexual courtship. Guys only ask girls out in the movies or when they are prepared to get rejected 95% of the time. If you want to avoid rejection completely, then keep reading...
Movies and TV Sitcoms are Fictional
On TV and in the movies, you will usually see girls asking guys out. The woman will often walk right up to him, have a quick conversation and then ask him out. Either that or she will be shy or reject him for the first hour of the movie and will suddenly lunge on him and start kissing him first (Read: How to Make Girl Want to Kiss You). However, if you go around thinking that the dating world plays out like it does in the movies, then think again. When was the last time you saw a girl ask a guy out? For me, the last time I saw it was in primary school (elementary school). Have you ever been asked out by a girl? Have you ever seen a girl ask any guy out in real life? It does happen occasionally with very young people or with unattractive women who like a very confident guy, but it is not the norm. Real life is not like the movies. TV sitcoms and movies are designed to entertain you, not educate you on how to get a girl to ask you out, so don’t go looking to those sources for the answer.
The answer to getting a girl to ask you out is to not worry about asking each other out. Instead, make her feel sexual attraction for you, then kiss her and then escalate to sex and a relationship. There is NO NEED to “ask her out” or to get her to “ask you out.” Just get started with the kissing, sex and relationship. However, if you really want to try to get a girl to ask you out, let’s talk about how to make that happen…
Making It Happen
If a girl is going to ask you out, she will have to be feeling SO MUCH attraction for you that she simply can’t help herself and has to say something. What will she say? Don’t expect her to say, “Hey I like you and want to date you. Do you want to go out on a date with me and be my boyfriend?” Instead, she will most likely be a woman about it and be indirect in how she says it. For example, she might say, “So, what do you normally do on the weekends?” or “Do you have any plans for this weekend?” or “Are you going to the party on Friday night?” Women do this to give you hints that they like you and then they hope that you have enough confidence in yourself to know that she is interested. They also hope that you have enough masculinity to take charge of the situation and begin guiding her through the flow of a sexual courtship.
However, before you get to that, if you want her to ask you out, just remember: You’re going to have to be so irresistible that she feels powerless to stop herself from saying something or, at the very least, she feels she can’t help but make it completely obvious that she wants to go out with you. So how do you do that? The answer is simple; you learn how to be an irresistibly attractive man. Read: How to Be Sexually Attractive to Women
Three Fundamental Traits That Will Make Her Attracted to You
Confidence: A guy with genuine self-confidence knows how to talk to women in a way that makes them feel relaxed and comfortable in his presence.
Masculinity: Being masculine is not all about having a chiseled jaw and bulging biceps. Read: Why Do Women Like Men With Muscles? Women are attracted to guys with the type of masculine traits that stir a deep, instinctive sexual attraction inside of them. Women automatically know when they are in the presence of such a man because they suddenly feel feminine and girly when around him. A man with the strong alpha male characteristics of confidence and masculinity is a man who has what it takes to make a woman feel like a woman and that’s a feeling she is totally hooked on as a woman, just like you are hooked on the feeling of seeing physically beautiful and sexy women.
"But, Will She Ask ME Out?"
Okay, so back to the question of how to get a girl to ask you out. Like I said earlier, girls don’t often ask guys out, but if you make yourself irresistible she may feel as though she is unable to stop herself from saying something or at least making it completely obvious that she wants you to make a move. In 99% of cases, it is more likely that a girl will behave in a way that’s designed to let you know just how attracted to you she is, so you then make a move. It all comes back to the basic principle that a woman is looking for a man with alpha male qualities, not a scared, lower-ranking male who lacks the confidence, masculinity and social intelligence required to know how and when to make a move on a girl. An alpha male is a confident, masculine man who naturally takes the lead in a relationship. He has the social intelligence to be able to handle any challenging conversations and to be able to talk to her in a smooth, attractive, likeable way. So, the harsh reality is that if you don’t have the courage to ask her out, then you’re not that man and she is not going to be asking you out.
Women find alpha male power virtually impossible to resist. A man who has developed his natural alpha male characteristics is a man who has what it takes to make a woman feel “weak at the knees” around him. His masculinity (in the way he thinks, behaves and takes action) is so alpha that the woman feels girly and feminine around him, to the point of feeling “weak at the knees” in his presence due to how attracted she feels. It is for this reason that he is a man women want to be around. The fact is, when you have those characteristics, women are become desperate to be with you and go out of their way to make it completely obvious that they like you. Often, they’re prepared to do whatever it takes to get your attention all to themselves, even if it means arguing with other women or creating elaborate plans to get you into a relationship. Alpha males have their pick of women and when you’re an alpha male, women want to make sure you pick them. That’s just how it works.
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