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- The Contemporary Man/ T. Miller
- At The Contemporary Man's, we guarantee that you will succeed with women and get the results you want from your dating life when you use our proven system for success with women called 'Dating Power'. You simply cannot fail when you use our tested techniques for success with women. We have spent the last 5 years testing and refining our method for success with women by: Approaching, dating and being in relationships with modern women ourselves. Coaching over 650 guys in person and literally showing them how to approach and pick up women using our natural style. Testing our techniques in all sorts of social environments, including parties, workplaces, nightclubs, cafes, shopping malls and bookstores to name a few. Interviewing women from around the world and asking for their opinions on the modern dating and relationship scene. Researching all available studies, published documentation and theories in this field. Following up with guys that we'd coached to find out if they needed more advice as they become more successful with women. We then included the advanced advice in our products.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Switch From Friend To Lover, The Best Way To Approach Her
Do you know of any great ways to turn a woman who is a "friend" into a "lover"?
I get a ton of e-mail from guys who are looking for the answer to the magic question: "How do I get a woman I've convinced not to like me to give me a second chance?"
The answer is: Don't. Just move on.
It's not worth the time, effort and energy.
The best thing you can do is to stop calling her, start dating other women and, if you can, make sure she finds out that you've moved on.
Get on with your life. And, ironically, that will give you the best chances of her feeling attracted to you again.
Is there a good way for a guy to approach a woman without her thinking he's just a jerk who's trying to get her into bed?
Good question.
This is a question that is top-of-mind for just about every single adult male on the planet, by the way.
So first, I have to pick apart the way you asked the question.
Then, I'll give you some ideas. I noticed that you wrote:
" do I approach her and start a conversation without seeming like just another "jerk" guy who is trying to get her into bed..."
Do you think that most women are approached a lot in the hall or at stores by "jerk guys who are trying to get them into bed"?
And it also sounds to me like you have the concepts of "jerk" and "wanting to get her into bed" linked together in your mind.
In my experience, a woman won't think of you as a "jerk" unless either:
She's dating you, you're abusive, and she can't figure out why she can't bring herself to break up with you.
You're the kind of guy that obviously has no game whatsoever, but you're trying to talk to her in a sexually suggestive way.
Are you with me here?
Find out what women are really thinking, and what to do if a woman "flakes out" on you...
Women don't think of regular guys who stop them in the hall or at the bookstore as "jerks" automatically.
And this is especially true if you're interesting, charming, and comfortable with yourself.
You feel me?
So the first thing you need to do is stop using your wonderful creative imagination to limit yourself!
I know many guys who approach women all the time... in the hall, in the store, at clubs, on the Internet, and every other place on the planet... and I've heard of very few instances where something bad came of it.
And, in fact, the worst I've ever heard of is having a drink thrown in your face or a slap.
I've never heard of:
permanent bodily injury;
irreparable damage to self-esteem.
(Although I'm sure that some guy somewhere on the planet has figured out a way to have one of these things happen to him as a result of approaching a woman.)
The point is that if you start a conversation with a woman, it's going to be okay .
And if you do it in an interesting, charming way, there's a very good chance that a woman will give you her name and e-mail/number.
And if you don't start talking to her, then the chances are very close to zero that you'll get it.
Here, try this:
Next time you walk by a girl in the hall, look her right in the eye and give her a slight smile.
Then say, "Hey, can I ask you a question?"
When she stops and says "Sure," say:
"Are you single?"
If she asks "Why?" say:
"Well, I know someone who I think would really find you attractive. He's nice, funny, interesting... and I think you might like him." (Smile in a knowing way as you say all of this, hinting that you might be talking about yourself.) Then ask, "Do you have e-mail?"
If she asks if you're talking about yourself, just look at her and say "Maybe."
Get her e-mail, say "I'll have him e-mail you," and walk away.
This is a fun way to start a conversation, and the direct "Are you single?" question really throws women off balance for a moment.
There are an unlimited number of ways to start conversations with women, and I recommend that you check out some of my products for more great info.
What should a guy do when a woman "flakes out" on him?
I want to answer your question first with another question:
Whose problem is it that she blew you off and flaked?
Hmm. It all depends on your perspective.
When a woman flakes out on me, I see it as a huge mistake that she made.
So if/when I see her again, I shake my head in disappointment and say, "Well you sure missed out on a good time."
And then, regardless of what she says (unless her mom died or she lost a leg in a car accident), I just give her the "You're a flaky woman with no integrity" disappointed look and walk away.
Again I ask you: whose problem is it?
Do you really want to go out with a woman who is flaky?
Don't let it bother you. Just move on. Many women are flakes.
I get a ton of e-mail from guys who are looking for the answer to the magic question: "How do I get a woman I've convinced not to like me to give me a second chance?"
The answer is: Don't. Just move on.
It's not worth the time, effort and energy.
The best thing you can do is to stop calling her, start dating other women and, if you can, make sure she finds out that you've moved on.
Get on with your life. And, ironically, that will give you the best chances of her feeling attracted to you again.
Is there a good way for a guy to approach a woman without her thinking he's just a jerk who's trying to get her into bed?
Good question.
This is a question that is top-of-mind for just about every single adult male on the planet, by the way.
So first, I have to pick apart the way you asked the question.
Then, I'll give you some ideas. I noticed that you wrote:
" do I approach her and start a conversation without seeming like just another "jerk" guy who is trying to get her into bed..."
Do you think that most women are approached a lot in the hall or at stores by "jerk guys who are trying to get them into bed"?
And it also sounds to me like you have the concepts of "jerk" and "wanting to get her into bed" linked together in your mind.
In my experience, a woman won't think of you as a "jerk" unless either:
She's dating you, you're abusive, and she can't figure out why she can't bring herself to break up with you.
You're the kind of guy that obviously has no game whatsoever, but you're trying to talk to her in a sexually suggestive way.
Are you with me here?
Find out what women are really thinking, and what to do if a woman "flakes out" on you...
Women don't think of regular guys who stop them in the hall or at the bookstore as "jerks" automatically.
And this is especially true if you're interesting, charming, and comfortable with yourself.
You feel me?
So the first thing you need to do is stop using your wonderful creative imagination to limit yourself!
I know many guys who approach women all the time... in the hall, in the store, at clubs, on the Internet, and every other place on the planet... and I've heard of very few instances where something bad came of it.
And, in fact, the worst I've ever heard of is having a drink thrown in your face or a slap.
I've never heard of:
permanent bodily injury;
irreparable damage to self-esteem.
(Although I'm sure that some guy somewhere on the planet has figured out a way to have one of these things happen to him as a result of approaching a woman.)
The point is that if you start a conversation with a woman, it's going to be okay .
And if you do it in an interesting, charming way, there's a very good chance that a woman will give you her name and e-mail/number.
And if you don't start talking to her, then the chances are very close to zero that you'll get it.
Here, try this:
Next time you walk by a girl in the hall, look her right in the eye and give her a slight smile.
Then say, "Hey, can I ask you a question?"
When she stops and says "Sure," say:
"Are you single?"
If she asks "Why?" say:
"Well, I know someone who I think would really find you attractive. He's nice, funny, interesting... and I think you might like him." (Smile in a knowing way as you say all of this, hinting that you might be talking about yourself.) Then ask, "Do you have e-mail?"
If she asks if you're talking about yourself, just look at her and say "Maybe."
Get her e-mail, say "I'll have him e-mail you," and walk away.
This is a fun way to start a conversation, and the direct "Are you single?" question really throws women off balance for a moment.
There are an unlimited number of ways to start conversations with women, and I recommend that you check out some of my products for more great info.
What should a guy do when a woman "flakes out" on him?
I want to answer your question first with another question:
Whose problem is it that she blew you off and flaked?
Hmm. It all depends on your perspective.
When a woman flakes out on me, I see it as a huge mistake that she made.
So if/when I see her again, I shake my head in disappointment and say, "Well you sure missed out on a good time."
And then, regardless of what she says (unless her mom died or she lost a leg in a car accident), I just give her the "You're a flaky woman with no integrity" disappointed look and walk away.
Again I ask you: whose problem is it?
Do you really want to go out with a woman who is flaky?
Don't let it bother you. Just move on. Many women are flakes.
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Man, I just love reading this stuff really good shit!!!