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- The Contemporary Man/ T. Miller
- At The Contemporary Man's, we guarantee that you will succeed with women and get the results you want from your dating life when you use our proven system for success with women called 'Dating Power'. You simply cannot fail when you use our tested techniques for success with women. We have spent the last 5 years testing and refining our method for success with women by: Approaching, dating and being in relationships with modern women ourselves. Coaching over 650 guys in person and literally showing them how to approach and pick up women using our natural style. Testing our techniques in all sorts of social environments, including parties, workplaces, nightclubs, cafes, shopping malls and bookstores to name a few. Interviewing women from around the world and asking for their opinions on the modern dating and relationship scene. Researching all available studies, published documentation and theories in this field. Following up with guys that we'd coached to find out if they needed more advice as they become more successful with women. We then included the advanced advice in our products.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Getting Her Number & More
Here's something to remember: Attractive women are approached by men ALL THE TIME.
Some attractive women give out their numbers several times every night they go out. This is reality.
Often, attractive women will actually give out their numbers JUST TO GET RID OF YOU. Really.
Some women get an "ego hit" of power and self-esteem when a lot of guys are calling them. But this leads to another problem -- the problem of not having enough time to see all of these men (or never even intending to from the beginning).
You're going to find that a lot of women "flake out" when you make plans with them. If a woman flakes on you, you need to bust her balls, make fun of her for flaking, and tell her that she's on strike one.
You might want to tell her: "Well, since you flaked out on me once, now you have to take ME out. Here's my address and the directions to my house. Come pick me up."
You need to let her know that it's NOT OK for her to be flaky and, at the same time, use her flaky behavior as material to tease her with.
Be persistent, and you’ll learn how to deal with all these situations as you date more women.
Normally I’m A Smart Ass, Busting On Everyone, And A General Joker. But When I’m Out At A Club And I Try To Talk To A Hot Babe, It’s Like My Brain Locks Up And All I Can Do Is Stare And Say Nothing. What Can I Do?
I think your problem is really pretty simple; you are experiencing something that I have been through a bazillion times. In fact, I think that most guys have been through this cycle at some point in life.
One of the ideas that I teach is to have one good default thing to do in each common situation.
In other words, it sounds to me like you just haven't taken the time to work out a basic system for yourself that will allow you to meet any woman you come across in one of these situations.
Here's your homework:
1- Take out a piece of paper right now and write down your one, single favorite way to start a conversation with a woman.
2- Plan out EXACTLY how it should go in your mind.
3- Mentally rehearse this scenario over and over and over until you have it clearly in your mind.
4- Go out tomorrow night and use this one introduction to meet 10 women.
5- The next day, sit down again for a few minutes and think about how it worked for you. Think about ways you could improve your approach, and if you come up with some good innovations, go ahead and do the same process of mentally rehearsing the new ideas until you have them down.
One thing that really makes me laugh is that most guys spend more time rehearsing their voicemail message than they do rehearsing scenarios with women.
You need one good, solid, default thing to do in each common situation with women. So pick one and refine it until your mind no longer goes blank.
Kudos from a female fan…What Should I Do If A Woman Asks If I’m A Player?
She asks: "Are you a player?"
You answer: "Are you trying to hide the fact that YOU are?"
One key in situations like this is to NEVER give a woman a direct answer. Use your Cocky & Funny skills to come up with five good answers and try them out on women.
Maybe say, "Yes, I play sports... what do you like?"
As you can see, I like to turn questions and accusations around and guess what they're trying to hide; that what they're asking about is actually something that is wrong with THEM.
Just don't answer directly and most women will give up.
If you get defensive and say, "Oh, no... I'm not a player at all...," most women won't believe you anyway -- even if you're NOT a player.
Reader’s Comment
First of all, I am a WOMAN, and I want to let you know that your tips for men are absolutely right on. I read your dating tips e-mail every single time I receive it, and find it extremely amusing.
I can tell you right now that I know a man who is absolutely driving me crazy while (I believe unknowingly) using your techniques. He is NOT the greatest looking guy I know, nor is he appealing in what you might call a typical way.
He is so interesting because, while I know he is interested in me, he is NOT at all obnoxious about it -- not demanding, not wimpy, just cool. He tosses cocky comments at me, he does not hang all over me; he keeps a little distance, but always returns. He surprises me. He is INTERESTING!!!! He sends me gifts occasionally, but not on the right day. For instance, on Valentine’s Day I get a call two days after the day. He says, "Oh yeah, I haven’t gotten around to it yet, but I have something for you. Maybe I can stop by today and drop it off?" Then he will come by when I am not even there and leave it with my secretary.
Other times, he so obviously responds to something I said (like a preference I
have for some place), and acts on it LATER. He doesn't jump on everything I say with an instant response, trying to "get" me.
I don't know exactly what to expect next, and he has me mesmerized. I will add, though, that he has manners, and is a gentleman; nobody likes a rude a**hole trying to pass for Cocky & Funny.
Trust me, I run into guys hitting on me all the time, and the typical "in your face" stuff just makes me want to get away from them. No matter how he does it, a guy that is too direct (either aggressively or passively) gets no chance. Any man who wants to attract a decent woman and keep her attracted would do well to utilize your techniques.
My Comment
I love women who always tell me that I'm right.
You mentioned something that I don't bring up very often, but it's a great way to be generous and thoughtful.
Now, before I talk about this, keep in mind that this isn't something to do with a woman you've just met. Save this for later, after you've been out several times. This is the kind of thing you do with a woman you REALLY like and might be interested in pursuing a relationship with.
A quote from above mentions: "Other times, he so obviously responds to something I said (like a preference I have for some place), and acts on it LATER..."
If a woman mentions that she wants to go to a particular restaurant, make a mental note, then surprise her and go there a few weeks later.
Remembering things and then acting on them later as a SURPRISE makes a huge impact. It's a very considerate thing to do.
But like I said, this is something you do with a woman that you really like -- not in the beginning.
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