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- The Contemporary Man/ T. Miller
- At The Contemporary Man's, we guarantee that you will succeed with women and get the results you want from your dating life when you use our proven system for success with women called 'Dating Power'. You simply cannot fail when you use our tested techniques for success with women. We have spent the last 5 years testing and refining our method for success with women by: Approaching, dating and being in relationships with modern women ourselves. Coaching over 650 guys in person and literally showing them how to approach and pick up women using our natural style. Testing our techniques in all sorts of social environments, including parties, workplaces, nightclubs, cafes, shopping malls and bookstores to name a few. Interviewing women from around the world and asking for their opinions on the modern dating and relationship scene. Researching all available studies, published documentation and theories in this field. Following up with guys that we'd coached to find out if they needed more advice as they become more successful with women. We then included the advanced advice in our products.
Friday, December 25, 2015
Day Game vs Night Game

When approaching girls, do you use the same techniques at the club after midnight that you do around noon at Starbucks? Or are t
hose two approaches literally like night and day?
And perhaps most importantly, which way is best?
Truthfully, it’s more about preference than being “right or wrong.”
Still, you should approach each situation in a different way—clubs and cafes are separate environments with different dynamics.
By the end of this article you’ll understand how to get dates and pulls from bars and clubs (“night game”), and by talking to women throughout your daily life (“day game”).
We’ll start by showing you an example of a great day game interaction and a great night game interaction, and then we’ll break down each one and how they differ.
And, we’ll tell you how you can get the same awesome results.
Day Game Example
Guy: *Sees attractive girl walking by, puts his hand out and says “Excuse me” to get girl’s attention*“Hey, do you know where the nearest Jamba Juice is?”
Girl: “Umm I think it’s over there by the—”
Guy: *Interrupts her and smiles*
“I’ll be honest – I just asked you because I thought you were cute and I had to say hi. I’m Tripp.”
Girl: “Oh wow, thank you. I’m Ana!”
Guy: “Great – you’re not from (current town) though, are you?”
Girl: “No, I’m from California, how’d you know?!”
Guy: *Laughing*
“You totally have that Valley Girl vibe about you.”
*Minute or two more of banter*
Guy: “Listen, I gotta run to meet up with some friends. Like I said, you’re really cute and you seem cool. Do you want to hang out sometime?”
Girl: “Yeah that’d be fun.”
Guy: “Okay awesome. Put your number in my phone and I’ll send you a text.”
Notice the simplicity here; he quickly goes for the close and gets her number without asking a thousand questions.
The guy goes indirect at first, so he doesn’t “scare the cat” so to speak. Then, once the conversation starts, he switches things up and goes more direct to show his intent.
Why does he cut her off while she’s giving him directions?
Think about it: If he doesn’t cut her off, she’ll give him a quick answer and keep walking without hesitation.
(You probably do the same thing when somebody asks you for directions on the street.)
But when he cuts her off and goes direct, she’s more inclined to stick around for the conversation.
After he introduces himself, he quickly moves the conversation forward by making an assumption about her (i.e. “You’re not from around here, are you?”).
This is way better than asking the typical “Where are you from?” question that she gets over and over again from guys, mainly because it’s intriguing rather than transparent.
Finally, after some banter, he waits for the conversation to hit a high point, and then makes his move by asking if she’d like to hang out sometime. Asking is key, because it sets the stage for the Commitment and Consistency Principle.
This principle, coined by Dr. Robert Cialdini in Influence, says that we have a deep desire to be consistent. That’s why once we’ve committed to something, we’re more inclined to go through with it.
So when she says “Yes” to hang out, she’s a lot more likely to:
- Actually give you her number;
- And, actually respond when you hit her up later.
Night Game Example
(These interactions are usually a lot longer, so we’ll just show you the beginning)Guy: “This is my favorite song!”
*Raises his glass*
Girl: “Haha, Backstreet Boys? Really?”
Guy: “Yeah I f**king love 90’s night.” *
Smiles, grabs her hand, and spins her towards him*
“Who are you?”
Girl: *Smiles*
“I’m Holly.”
Guy: “Cool, I’m Tripp. You look like a California girl.”
Girl: “What? No! I’m from Jersey!”
Guy: “Haha with that attitude I should have known”
“Let’s go over to the bar.”
Girl: “Okay!”
Right from the start, you can tell that the guy is coming with some pretty high energy.
And rightfully so—the nightlife scene, whether a bar or a club, is a very stimulating environment. With so many things happening, it’s hard to focus your attention on just one.
Women easily get distracted. That’s why high energy is better for these types of environments—you’re competing with her friends, the music, her phone, and any other guys on her radar.
He also immediately adds value by introducing fun to her night. Women go out to have fun—not to have the same boring, interview-mode conversations that so many guys try to trap them in. The “What do you do for a living?” and “How long have you been a fan of X?” gets old, quick.
Like in the day game example, he makes an assumption about where she’s from, and uses it to playfully tease her.
After some quick banter, he leads her over to the bar. Physically leading is a crucial part of night game—it establishes you up as the leader, keeps the interaction fresh and fun, and makes the girl more comfortable with you.
Notice how he doesn’t go for the number like in the first example. That’s because the goal here is different from day game.
With day game, the girl usually has somewhere to go, so you need to get her number and arrange for a future meet-up without wasting her time. But if you manage your logistics well, night game offers the possibility of bringing her home with you on the same night.
Now that we’ve covered a successful day game and night game interaction, you probably have an idea of some of the differences, as well as what works and what doesn’t.
Now let’s break them down by some different principles of game:
A lot of guys tend to think you should have a different mindset for picking up women during the day or at night.“You should hunt for girls at night. During the day, you should just go about your life as usual and let girls come to you.”
But contrary to popular belief, your mindset should actually be the same no matter where the sun is in the sky.
When you’re out at night, you shouldn’t feel like you’re “on the hunt” for women.
Likewise, you shouldn’t feel like there’s a special “day mode” you need to turn on in the morning.
Instead, your mindset should always be:
Women are part of my journey, not my destination.
When you’re going about your day and you see an attractive girl walk by, this mindset is easy to grasp because women are literally part of your journey (to work, school, the gym, etc).
But at night the same way of thinking can be a bit tougher.
At the bar or the club, you can think of it like this:
The fun comes first, and the girls come second.
Focus on having an awesome time. Dance it up, have a couple drinks if you feel like it and be social. When you’re focused on having fun, your mood will become contagious and women are attracted to that.
Compare this to the guys who are “on the hunt.” They start rapid-fire approaching girls like machines. They’re not even interested in the girl, they just want to get the next “approach” in.
You’re depending on their validation. This kind of behavior comes off as needy and women will pick up on it right away.
Don’t be one of those guys.
While your mindset shouldn’t change, the actual approach in day game and night game is A LOT different. That’s out of necessity—if you approach women during the day the same way you do at night, you’ll look a little crazy.Let’s take a closer look at the differences.
Day Game Approach:
- Go verbally direct early in the conversation;
- Groups are often more difficult to approach than single girls;
- Basic is best (i.e. ask for directions, then cut her off and go direct);
- Lower energy than at night, but not boring;
- Less physically direct (physical escalation is much more subtle and limited);
- End goal: Go for her number to set up a future meet-up.
- Go direct, but non-verbally;
- Girls will mostly be in groups;
- Use a situational or physical opener;
- Higher energy than day game;
- Lead more;
- Be more physical;
- Be highly aware of logistics;
- End goal: Pull the girl home for a one-night stand, or grab her number if logistics absolutely don’t work. Don’t approach with the mindset of just “settling” for a number, as these leads are far colder than daytime numbers.
Verbal vs Non-Verbal Directness
During the day you need to go verbally direct more quickly. Otherwise, women will start asking themselves why you’re really talking to them in the first place.But at night you’re at in social venue. Conversations are a normal part of the evening. It doesn’t do much good to say, “By the way, I think you’re really sexy!”
That’s what pretty much every other guy is telling her EVERY time she goes out.
It’s a lot more powerful to go direct in other ways—like with your body language, physicality and eye contact.
But how do you do that?
Make physical contact with her ASAP. Hug her, hold her hand, spin her around or dance with her.
One of our favorites here is the “dance floor hip-bump.”
When you’re on the dance floor and you see an attractive girl, the music is blasting. She can’t really hear you, so your witty openers will fall on deaf ears. Keep talking to a minimum; instead, bust a playful dance move.
A simple hip shake with a snap of the fingers will do just fine without making an absolute fool of yourself. When you execute the shake, lightly bump her with your hip.
After she turns to you, make eye contact. Smile. Step back a few feet and start dancing on your own, almost like you’re challenging her to a dance-off.
(Self-amusement is KEY here. This is all in good fun.)
Then, gently grab her hand, spin her around and start dancing with her.
The dance floor hip bump works like magic because it’s playful, non-aggressive and way less boring than 99% of all the other guys’ openers she’s seen a million times. If she’s not receptive, you can just shrug it off. No big deal, no rejection. The night is about you, remember?
The Group Dynamic
Very few attractive women hang out in bars and clubs alone. So if you’re out at night, odds are you’ll have to approach groups of women.But that’s not a bad thing—these groups are usually social and fairly easy to open up if you have a fun vibe.
When you first open a group, be sure to engage everyone for a minute or two before you focus in on the one girl you’re interested in (this is where a good wingman can prove invaluable).
Now, with day game you’ll probably see a lot of attractive girls walking in groups. But you’ll also see a lot of pretty girls walking alone. While you definitely can approach groups during the day, you’ll have a much easier time talking to individual girls one-on-one.
This is for the simple reason that there is MUCH less stimulation during the daytime. There’s no music blasting, no people dancing and no drinks to be had (usually). When you approach a girl in a group, the rest of her friends just kind of stand there…which creates a lot of social pressure for you and the girl.
Takeaway: Approaching women in groups using night game is expected (and normal). But with day game, it’s easier to approach women who are by themselves.
With day game, you’ll lead verbally by simply taking control and directing the conversation. You keep it short and lead her into giving you her number before you leave.Since you’re both going about your day, you probably have places to be—so it’s usually not convenient to lead her to a new destination.
But with night game, you need to lead more on a physical level.
As a general rule, don’t keep doing the same thing with any girl for a long period of time.
For example, don’t stand with her in the same place for three hours or dance away the entire night.
If you don’t mix up your routine a bit, the interaction gets stale and the connection fades.
You need to move things forward before you start to maintain your frame as a confident leader. If you’ve been dancing with a girl for half an hour, take her hand and say, “let’s go get a drink,” or simply, “let’s go over there.” Move her to the bar or a different spot within the bar. Continue to move her around throughout the night to keep your connection alive.
If you’re already at the bar, grab her hand and bring her to the dance floor…and then back to the bar for a drink…and then back to the dance floor…and then…back to your place. Or hers.
When you keep her guessing, you’ll be the exciting guy she wants to be around—and a nice change of pace from the boring dudes who constantly play 21 Questions and hope for something magical to happen.
Physical Escalation
In a nightclub environment, you’ll want to physically escalate quickly. However, during the daytime or a more casual meetup, take it slow unless the connection is really strong.During the day you don’t need much physical escalation. Maybe a few touches on her elbow or even a hug after you get her number—that’s usually enough.
That’s because the end goal is simply to get a hot lead and plan a future date.
But night game is all about physical escalation. Since your end goal is to pull her home, she needs to be comfortable with your touch from the get-go.
Make physical contact with her as soon as possible. The quicker you touch her, the quicker you establish that vital sexual spark. A simple way you can do this is to lightly tap her arm with the back of your hand. As the conversation flows, you can escalate further—grab her hand, put your hand on her hips, pick her up, hug her, etc.
If she’s receptive to these types of contact then you can ramp it up and go for the kiss.
But as you can see in the graph above, you don’t want to constantly escalate. It’s important to step back periodically. Give her some breathing room, and then ramp it up again. This is also known as push-pull.
Push-pull is like building a fire. While it’s possible to smother a fire if you toss too many logs into it at once, a fire must also be tended carefully to keep the flames alive. Knowing when to add fuel and when to back off is key to managing a girl throughout the night.
And with day game, the main escalation is a handshake at the beginning, and then possibly a hug at the end. The entire interaction won’t last much longer than ten minutes, so going for a kiss here is almost always out of the question.
End Goal
As we’ve mentioned before, the end goals for day game and night game are much different.Think of day game as searching for a lead. With that lead you’re going to need a date or two to warm up your prospect and close the deal, while with night game you’re looking for a direct sale.
It’s rare that you’ll bring a girl home who you just met on the sidewalk at 2 pm. That’s why the end goal is to get her number, plan a date and go from there.
But it’s a lot more likely you’ll bring a girl home who you’ve been dancing with and leading around the nightclub.
Therefore it’s a lot more important to manage your logistics at night.
Logistics are everything. If she lives 40 minutes away, has work the next morning and is driving back with her friend who wants to get home and microwave her leftover fried chicken, then you’re SOL.
So, how do you manage logistics?
Well, a one-night stand is your goal, right? Then early in the night you figure out what she’s doing after the bar or club closes. Meet her friends, find out where she’s staying, how she got there, etc.
This is a very casual and normal thing. You can simply say, “What are you up to after this?” If the logistics aren’t right, the one-night stand probably won’t happen.
If that’s all you want that particular night, then you should probably move on. Or you can try to have sex with her in the bathroom or somewhere in the surrounding area (like the beach).
If the logistics ARE in your favor, you still need her to agree to leave with you. If the bar is closing, the first thing you need to do is MAKE SURE you walk out of the bar with her.
Even if it seems like there’s no way she’ll go home with you, just walk out with her anyway.
If it’s earlier in the night, then suggest something like “Let’s get out of here and go on an adventure.” If you say that confidently and own it, she’ll usually oblige.
Then, give her a reason to go back to your place, like “Let’s go have a beer on my rooftop.” This reason or “excuse” is important. It allows her to justify to herself that “nothing will happen” if she goes home with you—this prevents her from feeling like a slut.
Always lead and be confident with your words. More often than not the girl will follow. When she’s back at your place, show her the video you talked about, or have that beer on the rooftop. And don’t forget to make a move.
Day Game vs. Night Game
Day game and night game are both great ways to meet women. While you should take a different approach for each, your mindset should be the same…Women are part of your journey, not your destination.
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