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At The Contemporary Man's, we guarantee that you will succeed with women and get the results you want from your dating life when you use our proven system for success with women called 'Dating Power'. You simply cannot fail when you use our tested techniques for success with women. We have spent the last 5 years testing and refining our method for success with women by: Approaching, dating and being in relationships with modern women ourselves. Coaching over 650 guys in person and literally showing them how to approach and pick up women using our natural style. Testing our techniques in all sorts of social environments, including parties, workplaces, nightclubs, cafes, shopping malls and bookstores to name a few. Interviewing women from around the world and asking for their opinions on the modern dating and relationship scene. Researching all available studies, published documentation and theories in this field. Following up with guys that we'd coached to find out if they needed more advice as they become more successful with women. We then included the advanced advice in our products.
Thursday, November 13, 2014

You Might Have This Relationship PROBLEM (Part 1)

“She bosses me around. Where is my respect?”

“He’s cold, insensitive and emotionally unavailable”

“I just wish she was more feisty in bed”.

“He easily gets upset about small things”.

These are some of the complaints men and women have about their partners, and in some cases the reason a relationship ends.

Many feel that something “changed”, and the person they are with is not the same person they first fell in love with.

And they may be right, when you consider how masculine and feminine energies play out in man-woman relationships.

But first, what is masculine and what is feminine?

Masculine and feminine are terms often equated with the biological equivalent of male and female, or social equivalent of man and woman. But in realty, the distinction between masculine and feminine goes far beyond biological, psychological and psycho-sexual constructs. It transcends cultural, religious and societal notions of male and female, man and woman.

The masculine and feminine, the yin and yang, the anima and animus by definition are consciousness or energies we each possess in equal amounts — men and woman alike. Each of these energies is like one side of a coin. Neither is more or less important than the other – they both are very necessary dimensions of our human be-ingness.

Each of us, men and woman alike can (and often do) express these two energies; only the emphasis, degree, quantity and relation to each other are different.

Masculine energy is primarily about how we operate our outer world; and primarily expressed by action, force, movement and firmness.

Feminine energy on the other hand is primarily about how we operate our inner world; and primarily expressed by fluidity, creativity, sensitivity, introspection, and nurturing.

The quantity of energy we express (at any one time) bestows on us a masculine or feminine persona/traits.

The family, culture, religion and society we’re raised in greatly influences which energy we express more of, when and how.

Traditionally, boys who are biologically stronger and more physically adept are often encouraged to express more of the masculine energy. We see this abundance of masculine energy out on the playground with little boys kicking things and pushing one another, challenging and expanding their outer world. Battles over who is stronger and more physically adept further serve to reinforce their sense of masculinity.

Girls on the other hand are encouraged to express more of the feminine energy. We see this abundance of feminine energy in little girls sitting around grooming each other, relating intimately and showing concern for each other’s feelings and well-being.

Masculine energy though encouraged in men and more expressed by men must also exist in a woman for that woman to be well adjusted and balanced. Likewise, feminine energy though encouraged in women and more expressed by women must also exist in a man for that man to be well adjusted and balanced.

A person (man or woman) whose sense of masculinity is not fully developed or is weak, is unable to take lead, to direct, to trust him/herself, to take risks and to move into the world around him/her with self-confidence. He/she has lots of fears and doubts; fears and doubts about him/herself and his/her ability to operate his/her outer world.

On the other hand, a person (man or man) whose sense of femininity is not fully developed or is weak, is selfish and self-seeking. Instead of creating a safe, supportive and nurturing space, she/he has a hard time allowing others (spouse, children and close social networks) to be independent and self-sufficient. He/she is more likely to be overly sensitive, timid, manipulative and self-absorbed.

Too much masculine energy without the feminine energy to balance it off can cause a person to be cold, insensitive and emotionally closed off, reckless, wasteful, overly critical and aggressive (even physically violent).

Most men and women who express too much of the masculine energy find themselves too outwardly-focused and out of synch with their own deepest feelings, and the feelings of others because they lack that feminine energy that drives fluidity, creativity, sensitivity, introspection, sensitivity and nurturing.

Too much feminine energy without the masculine energy to balance it off can cause a person to be too timid, too passive, superficial, compliant, clingy and needy, unable to make decisions, overly dependent, vulnerable to exploitation and abuse.

Most men and women who express too much of the feminine energy find themselves too inwardly-focused and unable to move forward in their lives. They stop engaging and challenging their outer worlds and instead go too far into their inner worlds and sometimes find themselves stuck because they lack that masculine energy that drives action, force, movement and firmness.

Men and women must express both aspects of these energies if they want to live happy, productive and fulfilling lives all by ourselves or with a partner.

When our masculine and feminine energies are not complementing each other but are instead interfering with one another, we feel confusion and unrest, incompleteness and a disconnection within ourselves, and with out outer world (including our relationships with others). But when the energies are well adjusted and harmoniously balanced, we feel more connected, in harmony, at peace and whole within ourselves and with out outer world (including our relationships with others).

When you accept that you posses both of these energies within you, you appreciate your own dual conciseness more.

As a man, you can afford to express your feminine energy without feeling a threat to your masculinity because your masculinity is already strong and developed. And as a woman, you can afford to express your masculine energy without feeling a threat to your femininity because your femininity is already strong and developed.