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At The Contemporary Man's, we guarantee that you will succeed with women and get the results you want from your dating life when you use our proven system for success with women called 'Dating Power'. You simply cannot fail when you use our tested techniques for success with women. We have spent the last 5 years testing and refining our method for success with women by: Approaching, dating and being in relationships with modern women ourselves. Coaching over 650 guys in person and literally showing them how to approach and pick up women using our natural style. Testing our techniques in all sorts of social environments, including parties, workplaces, nightclubs, cafes, shopping malls and bookstores to name a few. Interviewing women from around the world and asking for their opinions on the modern dating and relationship scene. Researching all available studies, published documentation and theories in this field. Following up with guys that we'd coached to find out if they needed more advice as they become more successful with women. We then included the advanced advice in our products.
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Get Her To Start Taking The Pill

Please Note: It is always recommended to wear condoms for the prevention of STDs. The birth control pill does not prevent or deter STDs.

Are you currently in a serious relationship? Have you been engaging in sexual relations with your soul mate (no, not Bill Clinton style)? Are you ALWAYS the one who has to supply the birth control by wearing condoms to every session of Beverly's Hills, 34-24-36 ?

Well if you're tired of having to cover up your mini-me with a condom all the time because you guys don't want to get her pregnant as of yet, then it's high-time that you convinced her to go the way of the Pill.
Let It Arise Casually
If you're in an exclusive relationship with that special someone and you have both been given a clean bill of health, but you still aren't ready to have someone shouting "Daddy! Daddy!", then perhaps it's time to broach the subject of the Pill (every time I say it aloud, I always hear a thundering echo!).

Now remember that women don't like being told what to do, so don't walk up to her while she's watching her soap operas and say something like, "You know, I'm tired of wearing condoms all the freakin' time so go get the Pill from your vagina doctor." Women don't respond well to "guy lingo."

One day, after sex or while you're having dinner, ask her what she thinks about taking the Pill. If she starts up that whole "I'll gain ten pounds if I start taking the Pill" lingo, you better have your facts straight and know what you're talking about because from that moment on, you have entered the world of a salesman.
the truth behind the pillTell Her About The Advantages
Birth control pills decrease a woman's risk for ovarian and other cancers.. They also lower the risk of developing benign breast masses and ovarian cysts.

The Pill decreases menstrual cramping and pain. There's no conclusive evidence, however, that they stop PMS... I guess you can't win 'em all. Maybe if the pain diminishes, so will the attitude.

The Pill reduces menstrual blood loss and the risk for anemia. Believe it or not, it can also reduce the amount of days a month she bleeds; that means more sex without the mess.

If she occasionally gets pimples or has acne, birth control pills often improve women's complexions. Some pills (Ortho-Tricyclen, for example) are even formally approved for the treatment of acne.

Many women enjoy sex more when taking birth control pills. Because they realize that it's less likely that they'll get pregnant, most women tend to let loose and go crazy it's like the '60s all over again.

Some clinicians will provide 3 to 6 months of pills without a pelvic exam. She won't have to get a prescription every month, rather her doctor can give her half a year's supply, which means that she only needs to see him twice a year.

Find out the disadvantages too, just in case she brings them up...But don't think that the Pill is the answer to all your sexual prayers. Although it might introduce some change into the ritual of lovemaking, it won't create earth-shattering orgasms for the both of you. What it will do, is slightly increase your pleasure with less barriers to entry.
The Pill Is Not Perfect
The Pill does not protect you from HIV or other infections. If you've both been checked out, are monogamous and trust each other, then perhaps you can stop using the condom.

Keep in mind, however, that among typical couples who initiate the use of birth control pills, about 2% will experience an accidental pregnancy in the first year. This is because sometimes pills are not used correctly. If pills are used consistently and correctly, only 1 in 1,000 women will become pregnant.

A second form of contraception should be used for at least the first 7 days of the first pack of pills. Remember what I said about "Daddy!" before...

She may gain water weight. This one's easy to get away from. Inform her that although she may gain a couple of pounds (usually 5 pounds and mostly on her breasts, not the worst of things), it's only water and will go away after the first month or two. In fact some women report that they actually lose weight after using the pill.

She has to remember to take one pill every day. I would surely be annoyed if I had to take a pill every day at the same time, I guess that's why the pill is used to control their eggs and not ours.

She may experience nausea at the start. Most women experience some negative side-effects for the first couple of months. So get ready for a few more arguments and a thousand more "Sorry Dear"s.

If she misses pills, you're going to have to use a backup contraceptive for a few days. That's right, it's not all free willy like you initially thought, huh? The Pill is effective but only if it's taken correctly. Set an alarm or do the remembering for her, otherwise you'll have to keep wearing those wraps.

The Pill may have awful side effects. Some women may become extremely sad and depressed while taking the pill, so be aware of any extreme emotional symptoms.

Pills can be very expensive. Now I'm not suggesting that you give her access to your bank account and let her run rampant, rather offer to chip in every once in a while. After all, she's not the only one benefiting from the hormones in a tiny little pill.

She can't smoke If your girl's a smoker, it can be very dangerous if she's smoking more than 15 cigarettes a day (with or without the Pill for that matter). It can be life threatening if she does, as it may increase her chances of getting cancer.
Confront And Control
So now that you've had your mini birth control lesson, sit down and have a chat about the personal freedom that the Pill can offer. Remember this is not all about you (yeah right, who am I kidding?).

I cannot stress this enough, STDs can be very serious and condom use is strongly recommended. But if you trust each other whole heartedly, then who am I to condemn skin to skin?

Until next time, prepare to be pleased... in a controlled way.




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