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At The Contemporary Man's, we guarantee that you will succeed with women and get the results you want from your dating life when you use our proven system for success with women called 'Dating Power'. You simply cannot fail when you use our tested techniques for success with women. We have spent the last 5 years testing and refining our method for success with women by: Approaching, dating and being in relationships with modern women ourselves. Coaching over 650 guys in person and literally showing them how to approach and pick up women using our natural style. Testing our techniques in all sorts of social environments, including parties, workplaces, nightclubs, cafes, shopping malls and bookstores to name a few. Interviewing women from around the world and asking for their opinions on the modern dating and relationship scene. Researching all available studies, published documentation and theories in this field. Following up with guys that we'd coached to find out if they needed more advice as they become more successful with women. We then included the advanced advice in our products.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Dating Multiple Women & More

What If A Woman I’m Dating Sees Me Out With ANOTHER Woman I’m Dating?
Jealousy is an interesting emotion. Some believe that it's the most POWERFUL emotion.

Generally speaking, if a woman knows that you're seeing other women, it will make you more attractive.

But you must be careful.

Jealousy can make people crazy... and it can lead otherwise normal people to do all kinds of insane things. If you make the wrong person jealous, they can turn into a stalker.

That said, my perspective is that you need to live your life and not worry about what others think of you.

This trait will lead to women finding you more attractive.

If you're always worrying about whether a woman will be upset because she sees you out with another woman, then you'll be acting like a Wussy all night because you're scared.

On the other hand, if you could care less what others think of you, then it will project into all other areas of your behavior, and will lead to other good things.
How Should A Guy Handle Holidays With A Girl He Likes Without Turning Into A Wussy?
So, here's the problem: If you meet a girl that you really like, at some point early on in the relationship, some type of holiday or occasion is going to turn up...

Valentine's Day, New Year's Eve, her birthday... something.

And you don't want to look like a TOTAL jackass by doing nothing --  I get it.

Here's just a little bit of advice: You can make the occasion FANTASTIC without being a WUSSY.

You can do something that will blow her mind without coming across as a needy, clingy, girly-man who is trying to impress a woman because he doesn't feel worthy.

An example of what most guys do:

Call her up, tell her that you really like her, ask her where her favorite restaurant is because you want to take her there for her birthday, ask her what else she’d like to do, and then keep asking after she says, "I don't care what we do, I just want to have fun," a hundred more times.

An example of what to do instead:

Call her and say, "Hey, put on something cute tomorrow night, and be ready at 8... I'm going to pick you up.” If she asks what you're doing, just say, "Be ready, no questions.” Pick her up, take her to dinner, choose the food, and then bring her home and put a candle on a cupcake and sing her happy birthday. No asking her what she wants, no telling her where you're going, and no seeking her approval.

Get the difference? If not, read it again.

There's a way to do everything without coming off WUSSIFIED.

Online dating tips for the inexperienced…What Are Some Tips You Have For Using Your Ideas To Meet Women Online?
OK, if you're going to do the online thing, you must keep a few things in mind:

1- There are literally tens of millions of people who are using the internet for dating. It's the BIG THING right now.

2- Women who join dating sites get TONS of replies from men.

3- If you want to be successful in the online space, you need to remember that you're really in a big numbers game.

4- Writing a great profile is one way to separate yourself from the crowd, and turn the entire game around.

I could talk for days about the online dating scene... but let me give you just a few key
pointers here...

If you want to increase your success in a BIG way, you need to:

1- Update your profile every day.

2- Watch the new listings every day.

Why every day?

Because when you update your profile every day, it brings your profile back to the "top of the pile.” In other words, most of the systems will have your updated profile come up FIRST in search results because it's "fresher.”

And because if you keep your eye open for the new listings from women every day, you can be one of the FIRST guys to respond to her ad, instead of the 347th guy.

You want to make contact, start communicating and GET ON THE PHONE.

Don't dillydally and write 50 e-mails back and forth.

You're not looking for pen pals, so don't act like it.

Next, make sure you put a TON of personality into your own profile... AND into your replies to women.

Instead of writing a profile that says "I'm a nice, regular, boring guy who loves puppies and rainbows and cuddling" say: "I'm that guy your mom warned you about. But hey, we both know that you never listened to her."

And instead of writing a reply to a woman's profile that says "Hi, you sound like just the girl I've been looking for all my life, and I think we could have a great relationship," say: "Hey, you probably couldn't handle me... but I thought I'd give you a chance anyway.”

Get it?

Have FUN. Put ENERGY and PERSONALITY into your profile.

Watch a few episodes of Jackass, then put in a James Bond movie, and wrap up with some Denis Leary...

And then write to some women.
Reader’s Question
Can you please let me know what is meant by a Wussy? I've come across this word a lot in your newsletter, but couldn't figure out what it means. I didn't find the meaning of that word in the dictionary too. As you said in your letter, women aren't attracted to Wussies. What is meant by that?

Waiting for your reply,

My Comments
Yes, I can explain the concept of what a "Wussy" is quite easily.

If you say things like "waiting for your your reply," you're communicating like a Wussy.

If you don't know what a Wussy is, you probably are one.

Guys who aren't Wussies know what a "Wussy" is because they usually MAKE FUN OF THEM a lot.

I know, I know... I'm being harsh.

But, I used to be a BIG TIME Wussy. It was a problem.

I used to call women all the time, kiss up to them, give away my power to them, and every other WUSS-ish thing you could do.

In other words, I'm an expert.

A Wussy is a guy who gives away his power to women, and behaves in a "submissive" way.

Don't do this.

It's the DARK SIDE, if there ever was one.