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- The Contemporary Man/ T. Miller
- At The Contemporary Man's, we guarantee that you will succeed with women and get the results you want from your dating life when you use our proven system for success with women called 'Dating Power'. You simply cannot fail when you use our tested techniques for success with women. We have spent the last 5 years testing and refining our method for success with women by: Approaching, dating and being in relationships with modern women ourselves. Coaching over 650 guys in person and literally showing them how to approach and pick up women using our natural style. Testing our techniques in all sorts of social environments, including parties, workplaces, nightclubs, cafes, shopping malls and bookstores to name a few. Interviewing women from around the world and asking for their opinions on the modern dating and relationship scene. Researching all available studies, published documentation and theories in this field. Following up with guys that we'd coached to find out if they needed more advice as they become more successful with women. We then included the advanced advice in our products.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Approaching A Big Group Of Women, Pickup Techniques For Good-Looking Men
How Many Days Should A Guy Wait To Call A Woman?
I think that this is one of the funniest questions I hear on a regular basis. I mean, haven't you watched Swingers?
My rule of thumb is to wait at least one day, but not more than a few. The real key is how often you call her and, more importantly, what you say when you call.
But let's talk about the psychology of why women give out their phone numbers, and why I personally like to get e-mail addresses.
You must remember that beautiful women are being approached all the time by men, in one way or another. They have an unlimited supply of guys to choose from.
I think that a lot of women who give out their numbers, then respond by being flaky when you call, are doing something that many of us guys wouldn't have thought of in a million years:
I think they're making themselves feel good.
Explained differently, I think that many women who give out their numbers are looking for the self-image-boosting hit of power that comes from having a lot of men calling them -- men that they have the power to accept or reject.
They can also use it to get attention from friends: "All these guys just keep calling me! Why don't they just leave me alone? Don't they get the hint?"
Now, don't get me wrong. I know that this sounds a little bit negative, and I don't mean to say that all women do this, or that all women are bad, etc.
To me, it's just part of the real world that you need to learn to accept and deal with, which leads me to why I get e-mail addresses.
Why e-mail is the best, how to approach a group of women, and whether you should use the cocky & funny technique if you're good-looking...
Keep in mind that I've tried a lot of different things when it comes to curing this problem of "hot and cold" women who act one way when you meet them, then totally different when you call.
And what I've found is that if you ask for her e-mail instead, you not only differentiate yourself, but you also increase your chances of hearing back from her by about 100%. No lie.
For some reason, e-mail has a power that a call does not.What Can A Guy Do If He Wants To Approach A Woman Who Is Out With A Big Group Of Her Friends... Say Eight Or More?
The only reasons I can see for approaching a "group" of eight or more girls are:
1) You have a bunch of friends, and you're trying to hook them all up.
2) You really like challenges and entertaining people.
I know someone who loves to approach groups of people, and he's great at it. He uses a combination of magic, humor and other great techniques to charm everyone, then leaves with the girl of his choice.
But as far as I'm concerned, it's not the group you're after most of the time, it's one woman in the group. So stop with the group think.
Okay, eight women walk into a club together (sounds like the beginning of a good joke). What happens over the next two hours?
Well, some of them peel off and dance, some go to the bar for a drink, some go to the ladies' room to powder their noses.
There are all kinds of opportunities to meet women when they're not in a group of eight. And I'll tell you what: if she is standing at the bar with her seven friends and you start talking to her, the other seven will go about their business and not care.
Just go get her e-mail address. That's all you need. Or learn magic. Really.
So Do "Good-Looking" Guys Have To Do Anything Differently Than Regular Guys?
If you're a pretty good-looking guy, you might turn down the cocky, and turn up the funny.
Women perceive good-looking guys who act cocky as major players, and too much cocky too soon can backfire on you. Learn the art of the "sly smile" -- squint a bit and smile just barely. This says, "I just teased you but you didn't get it..."
I think that this is one of the funniest questions I hear on a regular basis. I mean, haven't you watched Swingers?
My rule of thumb is to wait at least one day, but not more than a few. The real key is how often you call her and, more importantly, what you say when you call.
But let's talk about the psychology of why women give out their phone numbers, and why I personally like to get e-mail addresses.
You must remember that beautiful women are being approached all the time by men, in one way or another. They have an unlimited supply of guys to choose from.
I think that a lot of women who give out their numbers, then respond by being flaky when you call, are doing something that many of us guys wouldn't have thought of in a million years:
I think they're making themselves feel good.
Explained differently, I think that many women who give out their numbers are looking for the self-image-boosting hit of power that comes from having a lot of men calling them -- men that they have the power to accept or reject.
They can also use it to get attention from friends: "All these guys just keep calling me! Why don't they just leave me alone? Don't they get the hint?"
Now, don't get me wrong. I know that this sounds a little bit negative, and I don't mean to say that all women do this, or that all women are bad, etc.
To me, it's just part of the real world that you need to learn to accept and deal with, which leads me to why I get e-mail addresses.
Why e-mail is the best, how to approach a group of women, and whether you should use the cocky & funny technique if you're good-looking...
Keep in mind that I've tried a lot of different things when it comes to curing this problem of "hot and cold" women who act one way when you meet them, then totally different when you call.
And what I've found is that if you ask for her e-mail instead, you not only differentiate yourself, but you also increase your chances of hearing back from her by about 100%. No lie.
For some reason, e-mail has a power that a call does not.What Can A Guy Do If He Wants To Approach A Woman Who Is Out With A Big Group Of Her Friends... Say Eight Or More?
The only reasons I can see for approaching a "group" of eight or more girls are:
1) You have a bunch of friends, and you're trying to hook them all up.
2) You really like challenges and entertaining people.
I know someone who loves to approach groups of people, and he's great at it. He uses a combination of magic, humor and other great techniques to charm everyone, then leaves with the girl of his choice.
But as far as I'm concerned, it's not the group you're after most of the time, it's one woman in the group. So stop with the group think.
Okay, eight women walk into a club together (sounds like the beginning of a good joke). What happens over the next two hours?
Well, some of them peel off and dance, some go to the bar for a drink, some go to the ladies' room to powder their noses.
There are all kinds of opportunities to meet women when they're not in a group of eight. And I'll tell you what: if she is standing at the bar with her seven friends and you start talking to her, the other seven will go about their business and not care.
Just go get her e-mail address. That's all you need. Or learn magic. Really.
So Do "Good-Looking" Guys Have To Do Anything Differently Than Regular Guys?
If you're a pretty good-looking guy, you might turn down the cocky, and turn up the funny.
Women perceive good-looking guys who act cocky as major players, and too much cocky too soon can backfire on you. Learn the art of the "sly smile" -- squint a bit and smile just barely. This says, "I just teased you but you didn't get it..."
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