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At The Contemporary Man's, we guarantee that you will succeed with women and get the results you want from your dating life when you use our proven system for success with women called 'Dating Power'. You simply cannot fail when you use our tested techniques for success with women. We have spent the last 5 years testing and refining our method for success with women by: Approaching, dating and being in relationships with modern women ourselves. Coaching over 650 guys in person and literally showing them how to approach and pick up women using our natural style. Testing our techniques in all sorts of social environments, including parties, workplaces, nightclubs, cafes, shopping malls and bookstores to name a few. Interviewing women from around the world and asking for their opinions on the modern dating and relationship scene. Researching all available studies, published documentation and theories in this field. Following up with guys that we'd coached to find out if they needed more advice as they become more successful with women. We then included the advanced advice in our products.
Saturday, June 1, 2013

The ABC's Of Penis Enlargement

get the lowdown on enlarging your penisEnlargements 101
Q: Penis Enlargement? We've seen it done a million times, a million different ways. How does your method differ?

Dr. Williams: Our method is entirely different from the other enlargement sites mainly because we have researched, investigated and comprised the most scientifically comprehensive method for enlarging the penis naturally. We formulated our program upon the basic principles of cellular physiology, biochemistry, tissue repair physics, fluid dynamics, and our in-depth understanding of human anatomy and physiology.

You can make your penis longer, larger, thicker, and possibly improve your ability to control your ejaculation without surgery, needles, weights, pumps, or traction devices. Our program details how this is accomplished naturally -- we guarantee it.

With the other enlargement sites, you receive information from a salesman. With our site, you receive information, men's health tips and an award-winning natural enlargement electronic manual from a group of physicians.

Q: What type of research were you doing before you got into this practice?

Dr. Williams: Some doctors in our group were sexual dysfunction researchers while others were studied lower back pain and its spillover effects to erection ability. We were not doing enlargement research per se, but we were interested in understanding whether enlarging the penis could be done naturally, without surgical or device intervention.

We developed our penis enlargement program based upon scientific research from current referenced journals (including research that won the Nobel prize), along with our understanding and working knowledge of anatomy, physiology, physics, human tissue dynamics, molecular biology, and nutrition, as mentioned before. The research we did conduct centered around the "at the time" offerings on the Internet, from various web sites promoting natural penis enlargement programs.

Q: And what did that research reveal?

Dr. Williams: We discovered that some of the penis enlargement or natural enhancement web sites were actually operated by the same individual, only under a different identity. In addition, we discovered other enlargement sites were actually put together by individuals in the adult entertainment industry. Of course, some might say these findings don't matter, but I, as well as many other men, believe that when it comes to your health, your body and more specifically, something as intimate as your penis, you should trust a physician first and a salesman last.

Q: Safety is a huge concern for men, we've seen the horror stories with the surgical procedures. How safe is your product, and are there any side-effects?

Dr. Williams: Our site tells of one such horror story involving a man named Richard. Surgery should be a man's last resort, but in looking at some of the phalloplasty sites on the Internet, you would think it was the first. Our method is totally safe. There are no devices used. There are no side-effects at all. The program can be performed at home, at your office, or even on vacation. We have designed it so there are no limitations to it.

Q: When was your product released and were there human participants in your clinical studies?

Dr. Williams: We released our program almost 1 1/2 years ago. We did have participants who were various male patients. They totaled 275 subjects in all with various height, weight, race, and dietary habits. In the end, 260 men gained in length, width and/or their ability to perform sexually improved. The final participant, however, was myself. I have followed the system exactly as laid out and I too have experienced gains.

What kind of gains, and is it dangerous?Q: And what was your experience with your own program?

Dr. Williams: I have gained 2.0 inches in length and 2.5 inches in girth. In addition, my ability to perform sexually has improved tremendously.

Q: How soon could someone expect to see results after they begin using your product?

Dr. Williams: The typical man begins to notice improvement within the first 3 weeks. Generally, they notice an increase in their flaccid length. This is very important to men because most of the contact and questions I receive from them stem mainly about their soft or flaccid size. They don't just want to be larger and longer when fully erect, but they also want to be longer when flaccid.

Q: So does your program increase a man's flaccid or "soft" size as well?

Dr. Williams: Absolutely. That is one of the earliest findings when using our program. Most of our clients notice an increase in their flaccid size before noticing an increase in their fully erect size.

Q: What is the greatest enlargement you have seen in your patients?

Dr. Williams: The largest increase we've observed has been 3.72 inches in length with 3.0 inches in girth. Ironically, this particular gentleman is an actor in Hollywood known for his on-screen "manliness" and machismo. He is very pleased with the results and has referred other celebrities who have also become clients.

Q: What is the success rate?

Dr. Williams: According to our latest research findings, the success rate is approximating 93%. We are trying to improve that rate by staying informed concerning the latest research and medical findings concerning men's health issues. We update our manual constantly with new information for our members. In addition, we also have begun to offer a home testing kit.

Q: Home testing kit? Testing for what?

Dr. Williams: We have developed a kit that anyone can use. You simply provide a sample of saliva collected under certain conditions, and send it to the lab. You'll then be able to determine your own levels of various hormones, most important of which is testosterone.

Q: What, in your opinion, is the most dangerous aspect of natural penis enlargement?

Dr. Williams: The fact that men are being duped by unscrupulous web site operators who have absolutely no medical or scientific training whatsoever are pitching these products. What's worse is that a few of them are actually adult site operators who have decided to prey upon men visiting their web sites. In the end, the combination can be very dangerous.

Q: Dangerous? What do you mean dangerous?

Dr. Williams: I can't tell you how many men have contacted me concerning injuries they have incurred because of using these other programs. I stress to everyone: if you are going to modify your body, especially your penis or chest, only do so with the help of a physician.

Q: Does your program work for everyone? I mean, are there men that it just won't work for?

Dr. Williams: Sadly, yes. If you have a spinal injury and are unable to become erect, our program can't help you. However, that is the only condition we can't overcome.




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