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At The Contemporary Man's, we guarantee that you will succeed with women and get the results you want from your dating life when you use our proven system for success with women called 'Dating Power'. You simply cannot fail when you use our tested techniques for success with women. We have spent the last 5 years testing and refining our method for success with women by: Approaching, dating and being in relationships with modern women ourselves. Coaching over 650 guys in person and literally showing them how to approach and pick up women using our natural style. Testing our techniques in all sorts of social environments, including parties, workplaces, nightclubs, cafes, shopping malls and bookstores to name a few. Interviewing women from around the world and asking for their opinions on the modern dating and relationship scene. Researching all available studies, published documentation and theories in this field. Following up with guys that we'd coached to find out if they needed more advice as they become more successful with women. We then included the advanced advice in our products.
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Horny Wives, Male Multiple Orgasms & More

she's been around the blockMy Wife Had 500 Lovers
I have been married to my wife for 10 years, and she has been cheating the whole time with over 500 men. She decided to stop cheating and wants to build our relationship, but to be quite honest, I am horrible with sex, romance and foreplay. I always have to ask her for sex and most of the time, she just does it with me because I nag her to death. I need advice on how to get what I want with sex, foreplay and love.

My confidence level is so low and I am also about 30 lbs overweight. Plus, I get off in like one minute and
 although I've been reading about how to be a better lover, frankly, it is just not helping.

Please help,

First off, you need to get your confidence back. Get to a gym, start working out and get your body back into shape. Make yourself over; you can't love someone else until you love yourself, trust me.

Next, don't let her make you feel insecure simply because she's been with so many men. You can be a great lover if you just set your mind to it. Feel with your mind, not just your physical body. Kiss her, give her oral sex and make love to her with passion, and she'll start begging you for sex in no time.

No Wieners Here
Uh, what's up Doc? Just wondering if taking fat burners and creatine can cause any sexual side-effects. Also, is there any factual research about heart problems down the line?

My wife wants me to stop taking them, but I swear I can feel my body slowing down and my stomach getting bigger when I stop. Also, the more I work out, the less sex I want. Does this make any sense?

Fat Free Frank

Well, there is no conclusive evidence that sex is affected by fat burners, but what you're feeling may be evidence enough. Also, if you read the labels of these fat-burning pills, they all tell you not to take them for more than 12 weeks. So because you're letting your weight depend on these drugs, of course you're going to gain weight the instant you stop taking them.

I suggest you stop taking them for a few weeks, eat healthy and continue working out. The reason you might not want sex after workouts is because all of your energy may be allotted to your workouts, making you feel exhausted afterwards.

There is no conclusive evidence regarding the long-term effects of fat-burning pills, but your best bet, as I'm sure you've heard a million times, is to eat healthy and exercise without using enhancements. And by the way, creatine has been linked to cancer so I suggest you think twice before continuing to use them. Will Gadgets Replace Men?
Is it possible that some day in the near future, women will no longer need men considering all the electrical gadgets and sex toys available to them? Men don't really stand a chance with all the competition. Why would any woman want a man to penetrate her, and then have to get up and clean all the semen?

Does any woman really want to marry a man, and wash his dirty socks and shorts, or cook meals and change diapers? If she could stay single, go out every night and get laid or "tongued" without any obligation, then why would she need to settle down?

Bitter & Jealous

Women will always want men and vice versa. Electrical gadgets and casual sex may be fun for a little while, but they soon get tired and every human being craves affection. Marriage is not simply about washing clothes, changing diapers and doing chores. It's a shared, mutual love and respect that two individuals have for one another. So the answer to your question is "no," there will never come a day where women don't need or want men.


I Want My Multiples
As you may be aware, there has been much debate about the topic of male multiple orgasms. It is said that the pleasurable sensation of orgasm and ejaculation are two physiological phenomena which can be experienced separately. Well, I have tried the Kegel exercise to hold ejaculation when it comes, and try to feel the orgasm without actually ejaculating, but so far have failed.

So is male multiple orgasms a reality or a myth being spread throughout the Net? Can men really enjoy more than one orgasm in the same sexual session without ejaculating?

Looking for Big O's

It is most definitely possible to experience multiple orgasms. You have to keep in mind, though, that it takes a lot of practice and is not accomplished simply by contracting your PC muscle. You must read up on and attend Tantra classes, which will teach you that having multiples is about more than just physical control. I hope this helps and I suggest that you research classes that are available near you, or even read The Art of Tantric Sex, by Nitya Lacroix. Enjoy!

I Want Her To Come
I have a problem and would like some suggestions. I have no problem pleasing my girlfriend, but when she gets close to orgasm, she becomes too sensitive and we must stop -- at least for a while. It doesn't matter if it's oral or penile stimulation; it results in the same end. She has told me she has never orgasmed and she doesn't mind. It bothers me still; I've exhausted my imagination and ask for your advice.

Aiming to please

Now a very important question remains... is she sensitive because you're so gentle that you tickle when you make love, or is she simply about to reach orgasm and is unable to contain the sensations? I think it's the latter, and if she would just give in to her feelings, she'd experience quite a mind-blowing orgasm. The wave of sensations makes her feel like she's going to lose control but she's somewhat afraid to let go. Be sensitive to her needs, but ask her to simply surrender the next time and see what happens.




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