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At The Contemporary Man's, we guarantee that you will succeed with women and get the results you want from your dating life when you use our proven system for success with women called 'Dating Power'. You simply cannot fail when you use our tested techniques for success with women. We have spent the last 5 years testing and refining our method for success with women by: Approaching, dating and being in relationships with modern women ourselves. Coaching over 650 guys in person and literally showing them how to approach and pick up women using our natural style. Testing our techniques in all sorts of social environments, including parties, workplaces, nightclubs, cafes, shopping malls and bookstores to name a few. Interviewing women from around the world and asking for their opinions on the modern dating and relationship scene. Researching all available studies, published documentation and theories in this field. Following up with guys that we'd coached to find out if they needed more advice as they become more successful with women. We then included the advanced advice in our products.
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Rough Sex, Penis Pumps & More

She Likes It Rough

My girlfriend likes it rough, but the only problem is that she bruises easily. So after a long night of fun, she looks like I beat her to a pulp. Is there any hope for a fun night without a black and blue day? Please help me if you can. 


Dear Tim,

In order to prevent the bruising, get your girlfriend to start taking vitamins C and K on a regular basis. Lots of citrus fruits (which also provide vitamin C) will help minimize bruising, as will the mineral zinc. You'll see that not only will her bruises heal much faster, but they won't be occurring as often. And hey, keep doing what you're doing, it's all in good fun.


Sharing My Wife With Men


While this sounds exciting to me, how do I get beyond the fact that another man is penetrating my wife? I want to satisfy her and I am open to most suggestions. I am not, however, sure that I would be comfortable with this arrangement. Any suggestions would be helpful. 

Wanting to please without losing my sanity

Dear Wanting,

If this makes you uncomfortable, then don't go through with it. It will only lead to misery and resentment. You don't want to share your wife and that's completely understandable. Tell her that you don't want to do it, but you're willing to entertain the idea during lovemaking (i.e. indulge in fantasies about it). Describe how it would feel, and arouse her without actually realizing her fantasy.

Sometimes fantasies are better off remaining fantasies. How would she feel if the tables were turned and you wanted to bring another woman into the scenario, so that she could pleasure you orally while you kiss your wife?

I wish you luck and hope you make a decision that keeps you comfortable. 


Is Swallowing Harmful?
My boyfriend insists that I swallow his semen whenever I pleasure him orally. What's in it and what can I expect if I swallow it over the long term?

Not dying of thirst

Dear Not,

In addition to sperm, the main ingredients in semen are as follows: water, simple sugars, alkaline substances (which neutralize the acidity of both a man's urethra and a woman's vagina), prostaglandin, vitamin C, zinc, and some cholesterol.

Swallowing semen has no ill effects as long as you're both disease free and clean.

Oh, and just in case you're interested, an ejaculation contains approximately 5 to 25 calories. Enjoy. 


We've Come To Pump... You Up

Do penis pumps really work as a long-term or semi-long-term means of lengthening and widening your schlong ? I heard that there are exercises that go along with it. Do you know what these may be? I know that there are pay sites that offer these exercises, but who wants to pay, right? Can you please shed some light on the subject? 

Mr. Average

Dear Mr. Average,

Logically speaking, if penis pumps worked, don't you think that every man in the free world would have at least a ten incher in his pants? The problem with pumps is this:

1. The results are rarely permanent because you're simply sucking blood into your penis. The penis is not actually strengthened.

2. You run the risk of getting lymph blisters on the glands of your penis from the contraption that you're putting over it.

3. You run the risk of bleeding from burst capillaries. Suddenly sucking a lot of blood into your penis can rupture some penile blood vessels.

4. You run the risk of temporary impotence as consequences of the aforementioned 2.

Your best bet would be to exercise and keep your blood flowing healthily.


She Farts When I Penetrate

I've been having a sexual relationship with my girlfriend for a year now and things are great. Of late, however, she has been having this rather embarrassing problem, which totally turns me off.

She's obviously not as tight as she once was in the vagina department, but what's been happening recently is that when we have sex, some air enters her vagina, and when I exit her to change positions or for whatever reason, the air escapes from her vagina, sounding like violent farts!

It's gotten really bad, and while the relationship hasn't suffered, I feel that she is feeling inadequate and no longer attractive. What can we do to solve this problem? 

Unable to enjoy

Dear Unable,

First off, what you're describing is absolutely normal and doesn't happen because she's not tight; it happens when you penetrate her fully and then withdraw your penis completely, which ultimately traps air inside her, making it sound like flatulence (since the air has to exit from somewhere). To be honest, in reality, it should turn you on because it's as though her vagina is giving your penis as tight a hug as possible.

In any case, she can do Kegel exercises to tighten up her vaginal muscles (she contracts and lets go of her pubococcygeus [PC] muscle -- 3 sets, 10 reps a day holding for 10 seconds, and increasing until she's able to stop her urination midway). But this "vaginal farting" will happen no matter who you're with. If she's feeling embarrassed, let her know that it doesn't bother you, because it shouldn't.





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