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At The Contemporary Man's, we guarantee that you will succeed with women and get the results you want from your dating life when you use our proven system for success with women called 'Dating Power'. You simply cannot fail when you use our tested techniques for success with women. We have spent the last 5 years testing and refining our method for success with women by: Approaching, dating and being in relationships with modern women ourselves. Coaching over 650 guys in person and literally showing them how to approach and pick up women using our natural style. Testing our techniques in all sorts of social environments, including parties, workplaces, nightclubs, cafes, shopping malls and bookstores to name a few. Interviewing women from around the world and asking for their opinions on the modern dating and relationship scene. Researching all available studies, published documentation and theories in this field. Following up with guys that we'd coached to find out if they needed more advice as they become more successful with women. We then included the advanced advice in our products.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

She’s Flaking Out & More

Women Seem To Flake Out On Guys All The Time. What Do You Suggest To Prevent This?
First off, I recommend avoiding the whole “I’ll come over to your place and pick you up at 7” thing.

It sends all the wrong messages -- especially the one that says, “I’m courting you, I’m chasing you, please approve of me.”

You need to keep your power for yourself.

Do this by either having her come to your place and leave for a cup of tea from there or meet her at a coffee shop that's CLOSE to your place.

That way, if she DOES flake out, you can chill out with a cappuccino and you’re still close to home.

Also, avoid making a date too far out in advance.

I've found that oftentimes, you can call a woman up and say, "Let's go get a cup of coffee RIGHT NOW."

Women love men who are spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment kind of guys.
What Should A Guy Do If What You’re Teaching Feels “Unnatural” To Him?
Well, the first thing I want to point out is that at some point in your life EVERYTHING felt unnatural to you.

This is just another skill you're going to need to learn.

Don't let the idea that you've been shy up until now lead to a mental block about the issue.

Just get out there and practice and work with the materials.

Next, it's probably a good idea for you to start ONLINE.
Finally, you really need to make friends with a couple of guys who are good with women, and WATCH what they do in person. You'll learn a lot by combining what you've learned with the real-world experience of watching guys in person who are skilled at attracting women. This combination should help you get up to speed much faster.How much money do you need to be a ladies’ man? 
How Much Do Looks And Money Play In Succeeding With Women?
It doesn't take 20 years of studying human behavior to figure out that looks and money can attract women.

If you have good looks and lots of money, you will definitely have an advantage over the average Joe.

Looks and money will allow you to hang out in places like Southern France where a drink is 40 bucks... and there are lots of babes there.

But here's the KEY…

A guy who is AMAZINGLY handsome and SUPER rich will still fail MOST of the time with the women he interacts with if his PERSONALITY isn't together -- especially if he's too much of a WUSSY.

On the other hand, a guy who REALLY understands what makes women feel ATTRACTION, and knows how to interact with them in a way that grabs their attention and keeps it, can succeed often even if he's broke and ugly.

You'll notice that the rich and handsome guys that are the REAL mack daddies are the ones who ALSO understand women and have Cocky, Funny and Dominant personalities.

I get far too many e-mails from:

1- Guys who are successful and good-looking who are very unsuccessful with women.

2- Average-looking, average-income guys who have TONS of success with women.

A man who understands women, communication and ATTRACTION will be more successful than a rich, handsome guy who doesn't.
Reader’s Question
Read your stuff... interesting. Makes a lot of sense to appear different than all the others. I have one question, however. This Cocky & Funny stuff (can I call it "friendly mocking"?) really only works on women who are sure of themselves and who will not take your jokes to heart. But how many of those are in the world? I mean, with today's "perfect" pop stars most women have at least some insecurities. So, how can you use this technique and not accidentally hit a weak spot? Is there a neutral Cocky & Funny approach?

J., Brooklyn, NY
My Comments
I think you're hitting on an important point here.

A lot of guys secretly want to figure out a way to meet women without RISKING anything.

This is probably why personal ads and online dating websites are so popular.

The problem with not wanting to RISK anything is that it creates a mindset that leads to being AVERAGE.

And "average" doesn't create ATTRACTION.

I teach guys to use a specific kind of humor that I call Cocky & Funny.

One of the purposes of the Cocky & Funny technique is to clearly demonstrate that you are NOT intimidated by a woman, and to INSTANTLY communicate that you are DIFFERENT from other men.

You'd like to know the magic way to avoid accidentally hitting a "weak spot."

But guess what? Accidents happen.

Risk is part of life.

Don't worry so much about hitting a "weak spot" while you're teasing or busting on a woman... just concern yourself with making sure you're being FUNNY while you're doing it.

If you meet a woman who is so sensitive that she can't take a joke, or you "accidentally" overdo it, don't worry about it. No biggie.

She's probably either too uptight or emotionally fragile for you to have a good time with anyway.




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