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At The Contemporary Man's, we guarantee that you will succeed with women and get the results you want from your dating life when you use our proven system for success with women called 'Dating Power'. You simply cannot fail when you use our tested techniques for success with women. We have spent the last 5 years testing and refining our method for success with women by: Approaching, dating and being in relationships with modern women ourselves. Coaching over 650 guys in person and literally showing them how to approach and pick up women using our natural style. Testing our techniques in all sorts of social environments, including parties, workplaces, nightclubs, cafes, shopping malls and bookstores to name a few. Interviewing women from around the world and asking for their opinions on the modern dating and relationship scene. Researching all available studies, published documentation and theories in this field. Following up with guys that we'd coached to find out if they needed more advice as they become more successful with women. We then included the advanced advice in our products.
Friday, May 3, 2013

How to stop feeling intimidated by her.

Are you intimidated by beautiful women?

If you lined up 15 women in a row, not every guy would agree on who is the most beautiful. In fact, they would most-likely disagree with each other's choices completely.
So, when you're out meeting women in bars, clubs or shopping malls, you should understand that what you consider to be a beautiful woman, another guy might think is average and vice versa.
Personally, I've met and had sex with a lot of women over the years since learning how to talk to and attract women. Some of my girlfriends would be considered very pretty, some cute and girly, some girl next door types, while others have clearly been model material or actually working as models. Despite the differences, one thing has remained the same every time - the way I treat each woman.
I don't care if she is a TV reporter (an ex-girlfriend of mine was), a catwalk model (same again) or a dental nurse (yes, that was the one time I actually enjoyed going to the dentist!), I always treat each woman the same. They don't get extra special treatment from me just because they happen to be pretty. In fact, that is one of the main reasons I have been able to have my choice of women. So many women are relieved, impressed and utterly intrigued that, unlike other guys, I am not shaking in my boots because of their job, looks or obvious sex appeal.
Let's have a look at some of the ways you can control yourself around beautiful women and allow them to see the real you, instead of the shocked, nervous and intimidated you.

When a guy approaches a woman that he finds really, really attractive, he usually blows it by acting like a little boy who has just met his superhero. By placing her above him in terms of value, he naturally begins to feel nervous, may stumble on his words and will generally make a fool of himself. But, you’re not that guy. You know that underneath her gorgeous face and figure, she’s just like any other girl. She’s looking for love and romance just like the girl next door, so don't assume that she is above all that “love” and “sex” stuff – she wants it and she wants it now.
If you place a woman above you in terms of value, you will be doing exactly what all the other silly guys do. She wants to feel lucky to be with you and she will be unable to feel that way if you place yourself below her in terms of the value that you bring to the conversation, date, sex or relationship. If you don't currently see yourself as a valuable guy, work on it and become the type of guy that women are looking for.
She also doesn't want to be with a “boy” who looks up to her in awe. She doesn't want to feel as though she is stronger than you. She wants you to be the alpha, not her. If you struggle to think, behave and act like an alpha male around beautiful women, work on it and If you make her feel like she is more alpha than you, then you'll almost always get rejected. However, if she can see that you are an alpha male and are not intimidated by her, she will not be able to stop herself from feeling a deep, instinctive attraction. In fact, she will be delighted to have finally met a guy who doesn't shake in his boots around her and will usually make it very easy for you to "pick her up," by showing you lots of signals of interest and by trying to keep the conversation going.

Although she won't openly admit it, she wants to see that her looks don't have any power over you. Sure, she wants to know that you find her sexy, but she certainly doesn't want to see that you're intimidated because of her beauty. Showing signs of intimidation, nervousness and self-doubt around a beautiful woman is the fastest way to turn her off you completely.

When most guys interact with a woman they find really attractive, they close down and become afraid to express their true personality. As you may know, you are at your funniest and coolest when you are being yourself and not holding back. Trust your gut instinct and just say and do what you feel like saying at that point in time. That is when you are going to say the best natural jokes and create the most interesting types of conversation, so allow yourself to be that way. Let her see the confident, easy-going and cool version of you.
When it comes to attracting and maintaining the interest of any type of woman, laughter is very important. Relationships that stand the test of time are often held together because the couple is able to laugh at life and the sometimes unwanted circumstances they find themselves in, rather than getting all stressed out over it. Whenever life throws them a curveball, they know that in the end they’ll find a way to make it all better, so they might as well have a laugh about it and keep soldiering on.
So, when you're talking to a woman, make sure that you let your natural, easy-going side out and bring some laughter into the conversation. She will instinctively pick up on the fact that a relationship with you would be so much more fun and a whole lot less stressful than a relationship with a nervous, uptight and overly polite guy would be. If you want to learn some funny and interesting things to say when you first meet a woman, 

If you are sure you can have sex with her on the first night you meet her, you should stay in the interaction and keep going until she is moaning your name in pleasure in your bedroom. However, if you are sure that she's not going to up for easy sex and will require at least one or two dates first, you need to make sure that she will want to see you again.
A mistake that guys make when they talk to a beautiful woman and feel like they “click” with her is to keep hanging around her until she gets bored and wants the conversation to end. Suddenly, she says, “Umm, I have to go to the bathroom” and then never comes back, or says, “Look, it was nice meeting you, but I've got to go.”
Don't be like the other guys who desperately hang around the “superhero” until she flies off into the night. If she's not going to have sex on the first night, be the one who pulls away from her and leaves her wanting more. If you were originally hanging out with a group of friends before walking up to talk to her, or know some other people in the place you’re at or, if you happen to be out running errands when you meet her, you have a great reason to get up and leave. (There’s always a good reason to go so find one.) Just don't hang around longer than necessary.

After you've gotten her number, said the “magic line” that I teach in The Surge and walked away from her, she will start hoping that you actually do call. One of the reasons, in addition to the magic line, is that she will not be used to having a guy walk off on her like that. She is usually the one who starts to withdraw, so when you start treating her like any other girl, she’s going to wonder what she could have done “wrong” and be shocked and confused about why you weren’t just tripping all over yourself to be with her longer. And that is going to make her want you.
Meeting and attracting gorgeous women is no more difficult than picking up the average girl and that’s exactly the way beautiful babes want it. They want to be able to meet a great guy just as much as the average girls do and if you can stop yourself from feeling unnecessarily intimidated, you will soon be lying in bed with a beautiful, naked woman cuddled into you and hoping you never leave her side.




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