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At The Contemporary Man's, we guarantee that you will succeed with women and get the results you want from your dating life when you use our proven system for success with women called 'Dating Power'. You simply cannot fail when you use our tested techniques for success with women. We have spent the last 5 years testing and refining our method for success with women by: Approaching, dating and being in relationships with modern women ourselves. Coaching over 650 guys in person and literally showing them how to approach and pick up women using our natural style. Testing our techniques in all sorts of social environments, including parties, workplaces, nightclubs, cafes, shopping malls and bookstores to name a few. Interviewing women from around the world and asking for their opinions on the modern dating and relationship scene. Researching all available studies, published documentation and theories in this field. Following up with guys that we'd coached to find out if they needed more advice as they become more successful with women. We then included the advanced advice in our products.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Don’t Be A Jerk & More

How can I use your Cocky & Funny technique without going too far and turning into a real jerk? Sometimes when I tease a woman she calls me an a**hole.
Remember: There's a difference between being called an a**hole by a woman and actually being one.

If you're just being Cocky & Funny, teasing, being a challenge, etc. while being considerate, kind, physically stimulating (a-hem), and other "nice" things, and a woman calls you an "a**hole" then say, "I'm really glad you like it!" Turn it into something Cocky & Funny.

The key is to not actually become a mean, abusive guy.

Women love the challenge, but they don't like the abuse from bad guys.

Give them the positive without the negative, and you’ll be fine.

If a guy goes too far with Cocky & Funny, what’s the best way for him to recover?
This is a great question...

Often, when you're first learning how to use the Cocky & Funny attitude, you'll go overboard and make the mistake of saying something that's purely arrogant... but not funny.

No problem.

You have a few choices:

1- Say something afterwards that's funny that makes the original comment funny.

2- Say, "Oh, I'm just teasing," or give her a sly smile to let her know you were kidding.

3- Laugh at your own comment to signal that it was a joke and not to be taken seriously.

Of course, you don't want to tell a woman that you're just teasing or laugh at your own comments too often, because you'll look like a schmuck if you do.

The key to recovering is not letting the fact that you went overboard throw you off.
If she gets a little upset, just be cool and calm about the situation, and get back on track with more humor.

And don't worry about it; you're learning a skill that will increase your success with women forever, so it's OK to make a few mistakes here and there while you're learning.

Tips on romancing women…If you’re in a relationship with a girl, what’s the best way you can romance her without coming across like a Wussy?
OK, as you know I don't like to venture into the "relationship" realm, but I will make a comment here…

If you have been seeing a woman for awhile, and you really want to blow her mind, do several things that she likes all in one day or evening.

Take her to her favorite restaurant, give her a gift of her favorite flowers, wear the clothes that you know she likes, rub her shoulders, and, um... give her some good lovin'.

Romance is wonderful, as long as you don't overdo it and come across as a Wussy.
Focus all of the things that she likes into one small window, and good things will come of it.

Then don't do them again for awhile... at all.

She'll talk about that night forever, and she'll always be wondering when the next one will come...




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