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At The Contemporary Man's, we guarantee that you will succeed with women and get the results you want from your dating life when you use our proven system for success with women called 'Dating Power'. You simply cannot fail when you use our tested techniques for success with women. We have spent the last 5 years testing and refining our method for success with women by: Approaching, dating and being in relationships with modern women ourselves. Coaching over 650 guys in person and literally showing them how to approach and pick up women using our natural style. Testing our techniques in all sorts of social environments, including parties, workplaces, nightclubs, cafes, shopping malls and bookstores to name a few. Interviewing women from around the world and asking for their opinions on the modern dating and relationship scene. Researching all available studies, published documentation and theories in this field. Following up with guys that we'd coached to find out if they needed more advice as they become more successful with women. We then included the advanced advice in our products.
Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Advantages Of Make-Up Sex

kiss and make upAlthough breaking up is hard to do, the prospect of make-up sex sure can make it all worthwhile.

Engaging in a sexual reconciliation after a long, gut-wrenching argument makes the entire acrimonious experience worthwhile. Experts all over the world agree that having uninhibited sex after a spat is a common way for couples to resolve conflict.

Whereas some people believe that make-up sex can be healthy and that residual anger can add a little spice to what's already a great experience in and of itself, others argue that it's just dysfunctional behavior. Yeah right, I believe that there's no greater sex than that angry, raw, animalistic sex that a couple shares after having laid (no pun intended) all their cards on the table.

There are different varieties of make-up sex in every relationship. Everything depends on what works for each couple and what makes them feel more comfortable. So the next time you and her have a flatware-breaking argument, keep these useful tips in mind for afterwards.
Don't Touch Me, I'm Angry
There is a very thin line between anger and sexual excitement. For some people, pent up aggression, just like sexual frustration, must be released every so often. And after lashing out with angry words, why not jump her bones with sexual desire?

Now she may be a little hesitant to let you touch her, in fact, she may even smack your face (which I personally think is even more of a turn-on). If she does, ask her if it makes her feel better. If she says "yes" (most women would), tell her to do again until she's satisfied because you want to satisfy her.

If she does, then take it like a man. After she's done or if she doesn't smack you around at all, hold her face firmly with your hands and kissher deep and hard. Don't let her anger dissolve completely -- that's probably the best part of the sex altogether. There's nothing like a horny, angry woman...
Who's The Man?
Depending on the argument (whether it's your fault or hers), you can take control of the sexual situation. For argument's sake let's assume that she's to blame for the tiff.

One of the extremes in after-argument sex is the "remember who's in control here," domineering sex. Grab the bull by the horns and have your way with it (you have to admit, that's a great analogy).

I'm not suggesting that you throw her around like an inflatable doll until she passes out. Rather, be a little aggressive by grabbing her by the back roots of her hair when you kiss her or hold her hips tightly when you're penetrating her.

Plenty of women love aggressive sex and if your woman is one of them, then show her that you're boss in bed and give it to her until she's sorry... so to speak.

Are you screwed if you screwed up? I'll Do Anything, Just Don't Go
On the other side of the two extremes is the "don't leave me" sex. Obviously, in this scenario, the argument was your fault. Now unless your girlfriend is one of those passive women who thinks it's her fault when you cheat, she'll usually be ready to walk out the door when you mess up.

It's at this point that men begin to realize that they may lose a really good thing and transform into apologetic weasels. If sex is going to occur after one of these episodes, it's going to be the very emotional and caring kind.

This variety of sex can also be earth-shattering, considering you're making her feel like a million dollars because you're behaving in a vulnerable manner. Kiss her whole body softly and perform some oral sex that she never thought possible.

When you give her that sweet "baby please don't leave me, I'm so sorry and I'll do anything to make you happy" sex, she'll forget what you were fighting about mighty quickly.
Sex Is Not Escapism
I've encountered countless amounts of couples that have great sexual relationships, but not much else. Using sex as the solution to fighting is like putting a band-aid on a gunshot wound -- it won't really allow the relationship to progress or heal.

If, and only if, the desire is mutual, make-up sex can have a positive effect outside the bedroom. By releasing tension and passion in a sweaty, energy-boosting sexual romp, couples may be able to resume their argument feeling clear-headed and in tune to each other's needs.

After sex, couples should be able to talk to each other with clarity and a calm attitude. I know, I know, who wants to talk after sex? Well, you're better off resolving the argument in the present rather than have it resurface in every future fight.
Fights Can Be Put Right
Many couples have sex after an intense argument or period of separation because they want to reassure themselves that their relationship is still feasible and worthy. There's a solid susceptibility inherent after a fight; a void that can be filled by the closeness and intimacy of passionate sex.

So why is the sex so darn good? Fundamentally speaking, when two people quarrel, they get excited. That excitement can easily translate into a state of arousal, and consequently, stupefying sex.

Always keep in mind that sex is not the solution, but a means to an end -- not the end itself. And don't start fighting with your girlfriend just for the make-up sex... she'll catch on eventually.

So go tell your woman that you have a bone to pick with her, and then one to put inside her!




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