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- The Contemporary Man/ T. Miller
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Friday, May 24, 2013
Make Her Accept Your Stag Party
Though your friends may be gung-ho about taking you out to celebrate your righteous passing into married life, you should address your fiance's feelings about your penultimate single evening with the guys. Realize that she will surely have some reservations about the prospect of you ogling strippers or getting
sauced (most likely both).
Learn what you need to do to ease her into the idea.
Discuss the stag party well in advance
As you know from listening to John Madden all these years, the best defense is a good offense. By communicating that your buddies will most likely want to take you out for your stag in the time-honored male tradition, you can at least get her used to the idea that this is going to happen.
Now she may not really get that this is just a "thing" guys do, and it's nothing more than a bonding experience between you and your buds. Explain it to her. It can only help.
Don't talk about it
Conversely, if you know that no amount of talking will ease her concerns, then simply don't. Tell her that your friends planned it and you have no idea what's in store. She'll simply have to trust you. You're an honorable man and that should be enough for her.
Act like it's no big deal
All women regard the stag as the ultimate risky venture for their husband-to-be. They hate the idea and consequently will be peeved at you for going out and actually enjoying it. That's no reason for you not to have a great time though. You need to be honest about the fact that you think it's no big deal. It isn't. Think about it. How many strip clubs have you been to in your life? Did this affect the fact that you still met and will marry your sweetheart?
Your character is not tarnished when and if you go to a strip club and get drunk. She loved you before and she'll still love you afterward. One more night out with your friends won't make or break your relationship. And if it does, then what does that say about your future? If she can't trust you now, will she ever?
Another great way to prove it's not a big deal is by planning an early outing for breakfast or golf with your buddies the next morning. This shows that the night before wasn't as insane as she may have believed and was indeed just "another" night out with the boys.
Negotiate and use other measures that'll make her cave..Negotiate the terms
You know you're going to have a blast at your stag. You know your friends have lined up an evening chock-full of raucous partying and pole dancing. You also know they can (and would) go much, much further into debauchery if given half the chance. Your wife-to-be also knows this. While this surely makes her skeptical of what you'll do on your big adventure with the guys, have your fun anyway.
In that spirit, draw a line in the sand assuring her that you'll behave enough that she shouldn't worry. Don't promise something you can't follow up on (read: not going to a strip club or not getting hammered). Instead, promise something you can and will not do; namely, going to a hotel room with an escort. Assuming you have no intention of cheating anyway, this is a great bargaining chip.
Have your friends discuss it with her
If she really can't get over the idea and is having a serious crisis about it, get your friends to intervene on your behalf. They can assure her that they won't let you get out of hand and that they honestly just want to show you a good time, not put strain on your relationship with her. Use this as a last resort and only if really necessary. Also, be prepared to have your buddies make "whipping" sounds at you for weeks afterward.
Invite her brother
Hey, he's going to be your brother-in-law soon enough. Why not include him as part of your posse and really start to bond with him? In fact, this strategy is not only good for your relationship with him, but it's great for easing your woman's concerns. She'll know her brother is out with you and the guys, and it'll make her happy that you thought of him. It most likely won't completely eliminate her hesitance about your stag, but it will lower it enough that she'll be able to forego fighting with you about it. Be happy with that. Real happy.
Have your party before hers
If your lady is a wild one and will be having a stagette with her gal pals, then your best plan is to have your stag before hers. In fact, you can even talk to her friends and tell them to plan a wild party. Since anything you do will pale in comparison to what she and her friends have planned (or at least that's what she'll assume), you'll be able to go full tilt.
Mind you, this shouldn't give either of you the license to take complete liberties with your relationship (unless, of course, you have an open arrangement). But at least she won't be able to say anything about what you can or can't do if she knows she'll be just as "bad" at her party.
Have a "Jack & Jill" party. Confused? Read on for the explanation... ave a "Jack & Jill" party
This is a great compromise and sets the stage for a fun time out. Both your sets of friends can get together to party and no one is keeping secrets, which is great if your fiance is more conservative. If you feel you can be happy with this arrangement, it's the quickest way to circumvent a fierce argument. Plus, it shows you've matured beyond needing to pound back 20 shots of JD to have a good time. In fact, you'll probably be allowed to pound them back precisely because you've suggested this idea.
Meet her the next day
Organize a lunch with your fiance the next day. You'll be able to show her that you're up and about, and that you genuinely want to see her to recap your evening. It shows that she's the first thing on your mind and the most important person you want to talk to after your stag is said and done. It will also ease her mind the night of the party, as she'll know she gets to be see you right after.
If she's open to hearing about the night before, you can talk to her about some of your adventures. One caveat though: don't give her all the details. Give her enough to ease her suspicions, but be selective. Don't "out" your friends' activities or some of the nastier stuff you may have seen. Give her details strictly on a need-to-know basis.
Be A Bachelor
Now that you've been honest and she knows what to expect, go have a great time at your stag.
In the end, it's all about trust. Try to make "look, but don't touch" your motto. While you can harmlessly browse the "menu" while you're out, you should only order at home! And remember; no cameras allowed at the stag.
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