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- The Contemporary Man/ T. Miller
- At The Contemporary Man's, we guarantee that you will succeed with women and get the results you want from your dating life when you use our proven system for success with women called 'Dating Power'. You simply cannot fail when you use our tested techniques for success with women. We have spent the last 5 years testing and refining our method for success with women by: Approaching, dating and being in relationships with modern women ourselves. Coaching over 650 guys in person and literally showing them how to approach and pick up women using our natural style. Testing our techniques in all sorts of social environments, including parties, workplaces, nightclubs, cafes, shopping malls and bookstores to name a few. Interviewing women from around the world and asking for their opinions on the modern dating and relationship scene. Researching all available studies, published documentation and theories in this field. Following up with guys that we'd coached to find out if they needed more advice as they become more successful with women. We then included the advanced advice in our products.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Hard To Get, Eye Contact Threat
Don't worry about a woman "dismissing you as a player."
In fact, don't worry about anything a woman thinks of you. What a woman thinks of you is her business,
not yours.
This is the kind of thinking that keeps you from becoming the man that you want to be, and keeps you trying to please other people -- women, in this case.
I recommend that you learn for yourself just how "scarce" you should be with women. Don't see a woman that you've just met more than once a week ( sometimes twice). Plus, don't call her more than once or twice a week.
What should a guy do when he is standing right next to a woman and he locks eyes with her?
Let's talk about eye contact and what to do after you've made it.
Here's the deal; there are a few things that are dead giveaways to a woman that you're a bigtime wuss and are not worth her time.
Some of them are:
You can't maintain eye contact.
You have a slumped, submissive posture.
You fidget nervously.
You look for attention and approval from others.
You give away your power.
Of course, there are quite a few more examples of these little things women look for to make quick decisions about what kind of man you are and instantly know whether or not you are worthy of a second thought.
Now, as you've heard me say a million times, these "decisions" all happen on an unconscious level . Women don't look at a man and then say to a friend, "Well, he maintained eye contact when I first looked at him, then he held his head up high in a dominant posture, so I'm going to give him a chance."
It doesn't happen like that. No way.
Women get an instant feeling . They use these little body language cues to instantly size you up, and then respond instantly.
Now, you're asking about a particular facet of eye contact, specifically when you're standing one foot away from her and it happens.
Your question leads me to believe that you think things must be different if you're close to a woman, as if the rules should change if she's closer than 4.35234 feet. If anything, it takes more composure and inner strength to look a woman in the eyes if she's standing right next to you.
In this case it's even more important to not look away. But what should you say?
Find out...Try saying something like, "I just couldn't help noticing you [pause] staring at me."
That's funny.
Or say, "Do you always maintain such strong eye contact? Or only with guys like me that you can't help it with?"
Try anything. You're in the right place. I mean, you don't even have to expend the energy to walk over and start a conversation.
Even "hi" is better than walking away.
Once you get over your remaining fear of the unknown, and realize that you're in control of your life and your results, you'll begin to realize that situations like these are great opportunities.
I honestly believe that fear of the unknown is one of the biggest obstacles that guys face with women.
It may sound silly, but most guys who are afraid to approach women really don't know exactly what they're afraid of. All they know is that they have an instant fear that arises whenever they think of walking up to a woman they don't know, and talking to her.
Of course, "fear of the unknown" sounds like an easy thing to fix. I mean, once you realize that you don't even know what you're afraid of, it should go away, right?
Sounds good, but it's wrong .
The fact is that this is a complex problem. I've met guys who have gone to therapy for years to get over their fears, and it didn't work.
Now, I'm not a therapist or a psychologist, but I do know one thing: I used to have this very same fear. I know exactly what it feels like.
But the really weird part is what helped me get over it: it wasn't anything that I expected.
What helped me get over this and helped me to start approaching women and get e-mail and numbers from women I didn't know, was simply understanding what was going on, and then knowing exactly what to do in each situation.
The problem that I had in the past was that I just didn't "get it" with women. I didn't understand what made them feel attraction for one guy while feeling nothing or even wanting to run away from another guy.
Now that I do "get it," I have to say that it's pretty damn interesting. But it's not at all what I would have expected.
In fact, it took me a couple of years of trying to figure it out to actually begin to really understand how and why women feel that instant and magical attraction response for some guys, while most guys go their whole lives without women even noticing them.
But once I did get it, everything changed.
So what can a guy do to keep the sexual attraction alive in a relationship?
For women, sexual attraction has more to do with your personality, communication and body language than your looks.
I have had many married men use my materials to reignite their relationships with their wives.
If you want to get the "spark" back, stop acting like a wuss, stop being predictable, start doing things that build anticipation , and learn to amplify attraction when you create it.
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