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- The Contemporary Man/ T. Miller
- At The Contemporary Man's, we guarantee that you will succeed with women and get the results you want from your dating life when you use our proven system for success with women called 'Dating Power'. You simply cannot fail when you use our tested techniques for success with women. We have spent the last 5 years testing and refining our method for success with women by: Approaching, dating and being in relationships with modern women ourselves. Coaching over 650 guys in person and literally showing them how to approach and pick up women using our natural style. Testing our techniques in all sorts of social environments, including parties, workplaces, nightclubs, cafes, shopping malls and bookstores to name a few. Interviewing women from around the world and asking for their opinions on the modern dating and relationship scene. Researching all available studies, published documentation and theories in this field. Following up with guys that we'd coached to find out if they needed more advice as they become more successful with women. We then included the advanced advice in our products.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Erase Her Frown, Settle Down
What should a guy do if he makes a joke that falls flat, or if the woman just doesn't have a good sense of humor?
The fact is that sometimes you're going to meet a woman who just doesn't have a sense of humor, isn't in a good mood, is feeling hormonal, or whatever.
Or sometimes you'll just make a comment that's lame. It happens.
As they say in cooking: "You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs."
You just have to accept the idea that when you're learning how to use this material, you're going to occasionally run into a woman who doesn't get your humor.
Don't worry about it. Here are my personal ways to disarm one of these situations:
Say, "It was a joke," with a deadpan serious look on your face
Saying "it was a joke" in this manner is very funny in itself because the look contradicts your words. This will often get a laugh and allow you to continue with the Cocky & Funny humor you were using in the first place.
Give her a "sly smile"
The sly smile is a great way to interrupt a woman who is taking you too seriously. As she starts to get upset, just squint your eyes a little, purse your lips, and smile with a look of, "You're cute when you're mad."
Start laughing
This is another personal favorite. Just start laughing as she starts to get offended. Even tell her that she's cute and needs to lighten up a little.
All of these techniques work well when women are genuinely offended or upset because they communicate that you were kidding around.
But here's a warning: Don't use these too often. If you use them when she's not actually offended, they'll make you seem weak and insecure.
So when exactly should you use these techniques?
In general, women love to play like they're offended when you tease them.
For instance, a woman might open her mouth with that "I can't believe you just said that" look. This is usually the signal to turn it up! Keep going. Most women know you're just flirting with them. So don't turn into a wuss at the first sign of emotion.
What should a guy do when he meets a woman that he'd like to settle down and have a relationship with?
Well, as much as I avoid relationship questions, I just have to comment on this one.
First of all, I believe that most guys would prefer to be in a relationship with a great woman (over being single).
The problem is that amazing women are as rare as amazing men.
If you really want to make a woman become attached to you, then you might want to try a paradoxical move: Stop looking for a relationship.
If you communicate that you want a relationship, the natural response is going to be for a woman to play hard to get.
If you play hard to get, and you hold off on showing the relationship level of interest, you'll find that the woman will pursue the relationship with you.
Think about it.
Shouldn't a guy worry about coming across as too "arrogant" if he's trying to be Cocky & Funny?
Here's the deal: When you're being Cocky and Funny, you must give up your fear of coming across as overly arrogant. The secret lies within the funny ingredient of the formula.
A great model for Cocky and Funny is Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. If you haven't seen him yet, do a search online for his Star Wars or Bon Jovi video clip. You'll laugh until you cry...
You'll notice that Triumph is ruthless with the sarcastic comments... but they're all funny .
And when he feels like he may have gone over the top, he might throw in an "I kid, I kid." Although it's rare, he does do it on occasion.
If you feel like your comment might have been taken too seriously, try a "sly smile." It's a nice touch.
Now get out there and do it! You'll find the balance.
The fact is that sometimes you're going to meet a woman who just doesn't have a sense of humor, isn't in a good mood, is feeling hormonal, or whatever.
Or sometimes you'll just make a comment that's lame. It happens.
As they say in cooking: "You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs."
You just have to accept the idea that when you're learning how to use this material, you're going to occasionally run into a woman who doesn't get your humor.
Don't worry about it. Here are my personal ways to disarm one of these situations:
Say, "It was a joke," with a deadpan serious look on your face
Saying "it was a joke" in this manner is very funny in itself because the look contradicts your words. This will often get a laugh and allow you to continue with the Cocky & Funny humor you were using in the first place.
Give her a "sly smile"
The sly smile is a great way to interrupt a woman who is taking you too seriously. As she starts to get upset, just squint your eyes a little, purse your lips, and smile with a look of, "You're cute when you're mad."
Start laughing
This is another personal favorite. Just start laughing as she starts to get offended. Even tell her that she's cute and needs to lighten up a little.
All of these techniques work well when women are genuinely offended or upset because they communicate that you were kidding around.
But here's a warning: Don't use these too often. If you use them when she's not actually offended, they'll make you seem weak and insecure.
So when exactly should you use these techniques?
In general, women love to play like they're offended when you tease them.
For instance, a woman might open her mouth with that "I can't believe you just said that" look. This is usually the signal to turn it up! Keep going. Most women know you're just flirting with them. So don't turn into a wuss at the first sign of emotion.
What should a guy do when he meets a woman that he'd like to settle down and have a relationship with?
Well, as much as I avoid relationship questions, I just have to comment on this one.
First of all, I believe that most guys would prefer to be in a relationship with a great woman (over being single).
The problem is that amazing women are as rare as amazing men.
If you really want to make a woman become attached to you, then you might want to try a paradoxical move: Stop looking for a relationship.
If you communicate that you want a relationship, the natural response is going to be for a woman to play hard to get.
If you play hard to get, and you hold off on showing the relationship level of interest, you'll find that the woman will pursue the relationship with you.
Think about it.
Shouldn't a guy worry about coming across as too "arrogant" if he's trying to be Cocky & Funny?
Here's the deal: When you're being Cocky and Funny, you must give up your fear of coming across as overly arrogant. The secret lies within the funny ingredient of the formula.
A great model for Cocky and Funny is Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. If you haven't seen him yet, do a search online for his Star Wars or Bon Jovi video clip. You'll laugh until you cry...
You'll notice that Triumph is ruthless with the sarcastic comments... but they're all funny .
And when he feels like he may have gone over the top, he might throw in an "I kid, I kid." Although it's rare, he does do it on occasion.
If you feel like your comment might have been taken too seriously, try a "sly smile." It's a nice touch.
Now get out there and do it! You'll find the balance.
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