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At The Contemporary Man's, we guarantee that you will succeed with women and get the results you want from your dating life when you use our proven system for success with women called 'Dating Power'. You simply cannot fail when you use our tested techniques for success with women. We have spent the last 5 years testing and refining our method for success with women by: Approaching, dating and being in relationships with modern women ourselves. Coaching over 650 guys in person and literally showing them how to approach and pick up women using our natural style. Testing our techniques in all sorts of social environments, including parties, workplaces, nightclubs, cafes, shopping malls and bookstores to name a few. Interviewing women from around the world and asking for their opinions on the modern dating and relationship scene. Researching all available studies, published documentation and theories in this field. Following up with guys that we'd coached to find out if they needed more advice as they become more successful with women. We then included the advanced advice in our products.
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Pleasing Women, Tubectomies & STDs

exercise your entire bodyHer Caboose Is Loose

I am facing intercourse problems with my wife. We have two children -- the first one was a normal delivery, but after the second one, her vagina is no longer tight enough. It's becoming quite frustrating. What can we do? Thanks. 
Kamal Abdullah, Detroit, MI

Dear Kamal,

This problem is not hard to solve, as all that is needed is exercise. That's right, women have a kegel muscle which they can contract and release at will (when women reach orgasm, their kegel muscles contract at a constant pace).

If she begins to do these exercises daily, even while she's sitting around watching television, there will be an increased tightness for the both of you to enjoy.

Once her muscles are powerful enough to stop her urination midway, she will have reached her desired goal. If you like, and she agrees, she can also get stitches (which any gynecologist could easily do), which will make her vagina tighter instantaneously. But I suggest that she try the "kegel" solution before visiting the doctor.

Good luck, Kamal.


Are Tubectomies Effective?

I am a married man. Recently, as part of family planning, my wife has undergone a tubectomy. We enjoy sex very much with hard strokes. My question is, is there any danger of conception if we have sex often with hard strokes and in different positions? Thanks for your help. 
K.B. Khan, Hyderabad, India

Dear K.B.,

Laparoscopic sterilization, or tubectomy, is a surgical technique in which a woman's fallopian tubes are altered so as to block passage of the male's sperm to the ovum, thus preventing conception.

Although tubectomies are not 100% effective, the odds of your wife conceiving because your sex is rough or you try a variety of positions has virtually no chance of causing pregnancy. Rest assured that your wife will not likely conceive and delve into your sexual sessions with the utmost confidence.

Have fun in your ventures, K.B.


Vexed Over Sex

My girlfriend and I have not had actual sex yet but we still perform oral sex on each other quite often. There are two parts to my question; first, when she performs oral sex on me, I ejaculate abnormally fast -- like within 30 seconds.

Is that normal? She seems to think that it's kind of odd. Secondly, when I perform oral sex on her, I want her to feel the maximum pleasure. Do you know of any techniques that will help me please her more? 
Joseph Faglia, Dublin, Ireland

Dear Joseph,

First off, it's completely normal that you ejaculate extremely rapidly when she performs oral sex on you because not only are you not very experienced, but the mouth is able to maneuver much more liberally than the vagina. With a tongue, lips and saliva, it's no wonder you orgasm much more quickly.

As for pleasuring her, we just posted an article on the art of pleasing your woman. I hope this information helps you out and have a great day. 


Cheaters Never Win

I have a serious problem doctor. About 2 weeks ago I cheated on my girlfriend with another woman and I'm beginning to show symptoms of some kind of STD.

I have begun feeling a bit weird "down there" (abdomen). Whenever I urinate, my penis head develops a burning sensation. And I recently realized that when I ejaculate, the sperm has a yellowish tint. Lastly, when I'm not even doing anything, there's a puss-like substance secreting from my penis and it has a putrid odor.

Please help me out, doc, I really need your advice. 
Dis-eased, Elbasan, Albania

Dear Dis-eased,

First and foremost, go see a doctor as soon as possible. Make sure that you don't engage in sex with your girlfriend, and if you already have, then you must tell her the truth because she likely caught whatever you have.

From the information you have provided, I have concluded that it may be one of two STDs:

1) Chlamydia -- symptoms include; pain or burning during urination; frequent urination; pain and swelling in the testicles; low-grade fever; burning and itching around the opening of the penis; watery or milky discharge from the penis.

2) Gonorrhea -- symptoms include; cloudy, thick discharge from the penis; pain or burning when urinating; and a frequency of urination.

Both of these diseases are curable, but if you wait too long, they may render you sterile. I hope this helps you out somewhat -- you must absolutely visit your doctor as soon as possible.





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