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At The Contemporary Man's, we guarantee that you will succeed with women and get the results you want from your dating life when you use our proven system for success with women called 'Dating Power'. You simply cannot fail when you use our tested techniques for success with women. We have spent the last 5 years testing and refining our method for success with women by: Approaching, dating and being in relationships with modern women ourselves. Coaching over 650 guys in person and literally showing them how to approach and pick up women using our natural style. Testing our techniques in all sorts of social environments, including parties, workplaces, nightclubs, cafes, shopping malls and bookstores to name a few. Interviewing women from around the world and asking for their opinions on the modern dating and relationship scene. Researching all available studies, published documentation and theories in this field. Following up with guys that we'd coached to find out if they needed more advice as they become more successful with women. We then included the advanced advice in our products.
Friday, May 3, 2013

5 reasons for not getting a second date

Getting a second date

First dates don’t always lead into second dates, even when you really want them to. Here are some possible reasons why she doesn't want a second date.

If a guy is indecisive about where to go on a first date, a woman will lose interest in having a second date because women are instinctively attracted to men who can take lead. Some guys make the mistake of thinking that it's the right thing to do to ask a woman where she wants to go or what she wants to do because she deserves to have an input. However, what a woman really wants is to follow the man's masculine direction so she can relax into being a woman and just going with the moment.
From a woman’s point of view, a guy who doesn’t take the lead on a first date is a guy who probably doesn't take the lead in other areas of life. She can safely assume that he's not comfortable being an alpha male, so he will likely be pushed around in life, looked over for promotions to higher ranks in his work and so on. A woman instinctively looks for a man who can lead the way and protect her; a guy who knows how to show her a good time without her having to tell him how to do it. Showing her a good time and taking the lead doesn’t mean picking up the tab wherever you go, it means being decisive about where you choose to go and being confident in your decisions.

Decisiveness and confidence are traits that women find attractive in a man, but these things have to be displayed naturally to her. Nobody likes a fake and women can spot a faker a mile off. Some guys make the mistake of trying too hard to be someone they’re not, by acting overly confident or overly “cool” about everything. They slip into thinking that they need to be a certain kind of guy to impress a woman, but what she’s looking for is an opportunity to get to know who he really is. When a woman sees that a guy is trying too hard to impress her, it is very unimpressive and she will lose interest in having a second date.
A bit part of getting a second date is believing in yourself and knowing that who you are is good enough for her. If you’re on a date with a woman, there must have been something about you that she liked otherwise you wouldn't be on that date. If you lack belief in yourself when it comes to women, you should fix it before you ruin another opportunity with a great woman. It's probably very easy for you to be confident around women you are not attracted to, but that's not what you want, is it? If you want to be confident around women that you find extremely attractive and live the kind of life where you have full belief in yourself and high self esteem, you should learn how to do it right now. your confidence, belief in yourself, self-esteem and personal happiness will grow daily and become stronger and stronger each week, month and year. We tested the Confidence Building System for years before releasing it to the public. Only after we received many long term success stories from previous clients and continued to become even more confident ourselves, did we then decide to release the Confidence Building System to the public in Dating Power.

Okay, let’s cut to the chase here – women like to talk! If a guy gets so caught up in trying to “impress” a woman by telling her everything about himself, she’s not going to be able to get much of a word in about herself. One of the main reasons people like to talk about themselves is to get other people to understand them and know what is happening in their life and how they are dealing with it. If you don't let her connect with you in that manner, she will be less interested in a second date because she'll feel as though you don't really understand her.
Of course, she’s not going to be impressed if she’s forced into doing all the talking either. Sitting in silence and hanging on her every word is not helping her to get to know you, which is what she also wants to do on the date.
Getting a second date hangs on your ability to engage in natural, enjoyable and interesting conversation. She wants to feel desirable emotions when talking to you, rather than hear you rattle on about yourself and your achievements, or watch you sit there in a stunned silence because you're nervous. If you want to learn how to be an amazing conversationalist, I recommend you listen to 

If you’re on a date with a really hot woman that you really like, it's natural that you’re going to want to secure a second date, but if you come across as too keen to the point where she feels like you probably don't deserve her, then she'll be turned off.
Women recognize a good thing when they see it, but they don’t like that good thing to be too easy to “catch.” Instead, a woman wants to experience the thrill of the chase first. Some guys make the mistake of becoming infatuated by a woman and declaring their absolute devotion to her, even before she's had the chance to develop her feelings and experience a desire to snag you as her boyfriend, before another girl comes along and takes you.
If she gets the impress that you're desperate to get her and probably couldn't get many or any other girls like her, it will turn her off. She wants to be getting a good deal out of the relationship too, rather than feeling like she is doing you a favor by hooking up with you. If she's an attractive woman, she will be used to guys coming along and falling in love with her instantly. In fact, my current beautiful girlfriend told me about how much she used to hate how guys would tell her that they loved her within minutes or hours of meeting her. It happened to her all the time and she always had the same reaction: End of conversation or no second date.
“I’ve been dating since I was fifteen. I’m exhausted. Where is he?” – Kirstin Davis, Actress
Some guys even go as far as bringing a gift (or gifts!) to a first date to show their love and devotion upfront. This is a huge turn of for most women because they want to earn that type of treatment from you over time, rather than being given it all upfront just for going on a date! Personally speaking, I never get women gifts except for their birthday and at Christmas time. Even then, I'd like to avoid it if I could because I believe that being with me is enough of a gift to a woman. I really feel that a girl is lucky to have a guy like me and because of that, girls think the same way about me.

Okay, this seems to fly in the face of the last point, right? However, there’s a fine line between being too keen and not being keen enough. If you act too keen, she will probably think you're desperate and don't deserve her. If you don't show enough interest, she will assume you don't like her or don't believe you can have her. So, you need to get the display of your interest right, if you want to get that second date.
While this might seem like some kind of impossible balancing act or unnecessary “game” that needs to be played, it's actually quite easy to do naturally and sincerely and it's not a game – it's just a mating dance that humans all over the world instinctively perform to ensure they are choosing the right person. In the program Dating Power, I explain how to use this natural “mating dance” to your advantage to get women chasing you. Ever since using this approach with women, I've never had to pursue a girl; they just come to me and chase me. It's much easier and less stressful that way!




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